Bully to Boyfriend

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Dan Howell had finally finished Maths for the week, and boy, was he happy about it. The only enjoyable thing about maths was his hot teacher... His hot teacher who was sadly very straight and wasn't remotely interested in Dan.

Skipping down the empty corridor, he realised that he only had one term left at Eastwood. He could finally leave the school and it's bullies behind him and get on with his life. That thought made him very happy, and he started humming as he skipped down the halls, not caring who saw him or what they thought. He already wore flower crowns and pastel coloured clothes- it's not like his reputation could get much worse!

All of a sudden, a loud banging noise echoed through the hall, but when Dan looked around, it was empty. Another banging noise rang out, this time coming from the other end of the hall. Curious, he hurried to where the noise seemed to of originated. Dan saw a student jogging away before turning around and spotting a door he hadn't noticed before.

Cautiously pulling the door open, he stepped inside, being careful to shut the door quietly behind him. The room was small- a store cupboard- dark and full of cardboard boxes. Nosily, Dan reached over to the closest box and pulled the lid open. He gasped when he saw bags of white powder. He opened another two, just to make sure he was right. He was. These boxes were full of cocaine.

Deciding to get as far away from this stuff as possible, he hurriedly shut the boxes and darted out of the cupboard. His heart fell when he promptly bumped into someone. Praying it wasn't a teacher or a bully, he looked up. His eyes widened in shock when he came face to face with the school's bad boy- Phil Lester.

He was so screwed.

"How did you get in there?" Phil demanded, crossing his heavily tattooed arms and glaring at Dan.

"Um, it- it was unlocked," He stammered, staring up at Phil with wide eyes.

"Amateurs," Phil mumbled under his breath. "Did you see what was inside the boxes?"

"Um, cocaine, I- I think."

"You sure? What did it look like?" He questioned.

"White, po- powder in clear bags. I checked three or four of the boxes and they were all full of the same stuff."

Phil huffed before darting around Dan and pulling the door open, slipping into the cupboard and shutting the door behind him. Dan considered following him but quickly decided against it, so he waited outside. He didn't dare slip away; Phil would be sure to knock his brains out for that. After a few silent moments, Phil darted out the door and stood in front of Dan again.

"A group of Year 10's have been smuggling and dealing drugs for the past few weeks and I've been trying to catch them, but they've always kept that door locked. Always," Phil told him.

"Wait, you're not a part of it?" Dan asked, instantly regretting it when Phil glared at him again.

"A part of it? Of course not! I lost my parents to drugs, why the hell would I be a part of it?" He yelled, furious. When he heard Dan whimper and step back, his face covered in fear, he sighed and bit his lip, already regretting it. "Sorry. I shouldn't have yelled. But I'm not a part of it, Dan."

"It- it's okay," He muttered.

"Look, you've already gotten further in a few minutes than I have in weeks. Would you like to help me? I'm going to do whatever it takes to take them down, but I don't exactly have many friends. What do you say?" He asked the boy. Dan couldn't believe what he was hearing, but he knew that he had to help Phil. Besides, if he became friends with Phil, he'd never have to worry about bullies again. And he wanted to get rid of the drug dealers as much as Phil did.

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