Cute Christmas

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Snow was tumbling down the window, creating a beautiful Christmas wonderland outside. Their fireplace was flickering softly, the TV playing quietly in the background. It was almost midnight and Dan was laying with his head in his boyfriends lap, Phil's hands gently stroking his hair. It had been a busy day full of family, food and a lot of fun, but they were glad to finally have a moment to spend together.

"Dan, there's one more gift I didn't you," Phil told the younger boy quietly, his hands tangled in Dan's hobbit hair. They'd been laying like that for almost two hours, just enjoying the others company. There was honestly nothing he'd rather do than be there with Dan.

"Really? What?" He mumbled, turning over so he was looking up at his beautiful boyfriend.

"Well, it's pretty small, but I couldn't exactly give it to you in front of your parents," He muttered, reaching over to the small package besides the sofa and handing it to Dan. He sat up slowly and opened the package.

"Phil?" He asked, his mouth hanging open in surprise.

"I thought you might like it?" Phil said hopefully, biting his lip. Was he pushing his luck with this? "I thought that you might want to wear it when you're feeling feminine, it'll look great with your purple dress!"

"Phil! It's perfect!" He stared in awe at the beautiful necklace, grinning up at Phil.

"I'm glad you like it Danny," he smiled happily, leaning his head down and capturing Dan's lips in a sweet and loving kiss.

"I love you Phil," Dan mumbled against his lips.

"Love you too Dan."

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