Tylers Birthday Party

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Blasting music and an overcrowded room of drunk people isn't really Dan and Phil's thing, but after getting an invitation to Tylers birthday party, they couldn't really turn it down. They'd been sat in the corner of the bar for the last twenty minutes, yelling at each other so that they could be heard and laughing at their drunk friends.

"Should we get a drink?" Phil yelled, trying to be heard over the booming music.

"Yeah," Dan shouted back, standing up and walking with Phil over to the bar. As they made their way over, Phil grabbed his hand. Dan looked at him in confusion but Phil just smiled. When they had ordered their drinks and found their seats again they resulted to texting each other. The music had been turned up and neither wanted to loose their voices from screaming so loudly.

Danisnotonfire: Look at Tyler! I think he's kissing Hannah!

The Amazing Philip: OMG DAN!!!

Danisnotonfire: Oh, now he's kissing Mamrie. WTF!

The Amazing Philip: This world is such a weird place.

Danisnotonfire: Agreeeeeeeeeeed! I'm scared!

The Amazing Philip: I'll protect you <3

Danisnotonfire: My hero <3

The Amazing Philip: Can I tell you something?

Danisnotonfire: Of courseeeeeeeeeee

The Amazing Philip: I

The Amazing Philip: Love

The Amazing Philip: You

Danisnotonfire: ...

Dan looked up from his phone and stared at his best friend, who was staring right back at him. Suddenly Phil leant in to kiss him and for a few wonderful seconds he kissed back and everything was perfect.

But then Dan's biggest secret, the thing that he hadn't even told Phil yet, flashed to the front of his mind and he pulled away in a panic. Hurridly, with tears pouring down his face, he ran out of the bar and out onto the streets of london.

Worried, confused and upset, Phil chased after Dan, grabbing both of their coats on the way out. He ran as quick as he could, millions of senarios flashing through his mind. Deciding to just go home and hope he was their, Phil hailed a taxi and got in. He texted Dan and called him multiple times during the short journey home, but he never picked up.

Once he was back in their apartment, he jogged up the stairs and pushed open the door, the fact that it was unlocked showing Phil that Dan was already home. He heard muffled sobbs coming from his bedroom and he quickly made his way into his bedroom, his heart breaking when he saw Dan in one of his hoodies, wrapped up in his duvet and crying his eyes out. He sat next to him and slowly wrapped his arms around the sobbing boy.

"Danny what's wrong?" Phil asked quietly, running his hand through Dans hear as he pulled Dan into his lap. Dan rested his head on Phils chest and wrapped the duvet even closer around his shaking body.

"I'm, I'm a freak Phil," He sobbed, clutching at Phils jackets as Phil pulled him closer to him.

"You're not a freak Dan," He whispered, stroking his hair soothingly as he waited for Dan to talk.

"Yeah I am Phil! And you're going to find out and you're going to hate me!" Dan cried.

"Dan nothing, and I mean nothing, is going to ever make me hate you!" Phil exclaimed.

"Phil I'm Transgender, I was born in a girls body! I've been able to keep it from you for years but, but I thought that if you kissed me then we might eventually do something and you'd find out and think I'm a freak and then you'd hate me and I don't want you to hate me Phil!" Dan explained through his sobs, still clinging onto Phil like his life depended on it.

"Dan, hey breathe. I love you no matter what, this changes nothing. You're still the Dan that I love. Being transgender doesn't affect how I feel about you okay?" Phil says calmly.


"Yeah, nothing would ever change how much I love you Dan, nothing!" He exclaims. Dan wipes his eyes and grins at Phil.

"I love you too," He says, before pressing his lips against Phils. It felt even more perfect than earlier; the kiss communicated how much love they had for each other. It was heavenly and they never wanted it to end.

"Dan? Will you be my boyfriend?" Phil asked after pulling away

"Of course!" Dan exclaimed, launching himself at Phil and knocking him onto his back before reconnecting their lips.

At the end of the day, when you truely love someone, nothing else matters. Nothing can come in the way of your love, esspesially not being transgender.

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