A Winter Romance Pt.2

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I want to tell you a story kids, of the time I proposed to your father. It was the winter of 2012, and I was short on cash.

I wanted to propose to your father, but I had just got fired, and I didn't have any money to buy him a ring. One day, I was walking through town when I saw the same advertisement I'd spotted three years earlier. I called them up, and it turned out that they were still running the competition. I signed myself and Phil up and asked for the cash in advance. They remembered our story; and how much business it brought them, so they allowed me to have the money.

Phil was overjoyed to go back, he always was one for romance, so we packed our bags and got ready to spend a month in that wooden cabin. It was one of the best months of my life. We spent all day playing out in the snow, sipping hot chocolate and playing board games. We cuddled in front of the fire, made love in the bedroom and fell in love all over again.

On the day before we had to leave, I told him to stay in the bedroom for an hour. Luckily he agreed, and so I got to work. Two hours later I was finished, and I went to find him. He grumbled about me taking so long, but when he saw what I had been doing, he pulled me in for a kiss.

Fairy lights were hung around the balcony, candles were flickering, and in the middle was a picnic rug with his favorite meal on it. We sat and ate our food, laughing and exchanging kisses. I swear I fell in love with your father all over again that night. I fell in love with his smile, his laugh, his eyes, his everything. I was surer than ever about what I was about to do.

Slowly, I got to one knee and pulled out the ring. His jaw dropped, his eyes filled with tears, and I proposed to the man of my dreams. He cried and said yes, tackling me with a hug. We shared our first kiss as an engaged couple, and it was perfect. He was perfect. Everything was perfect.

That was one of the happiest nights of my life kids, and one I'll never forget.

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