Drunken Confessions

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​"Hey Phil, are you busy?" Dan asked, walking into his bedroom. Phil was sat on his bed scrolling through his Tumblr tag. When he noticed Dan, he closed his laptop and sat up.

"Nope! What's up?" Phil could tell that Dan wanted to talk to him about something, he was a nervous wreck right now.

"Well, um, there's something I need to tell you," Dan said nervously.

"What is it?" Phil asked curiously.

"Well, um, I'm genderfluid," Dan blurted out. Phils eyes widened in shock as he took in Dans words.

"You're what?!" He exclaimed, jumping off the bed and staring at Dan in disbelief.

"Ge, genderfluid," Dan stuttered, tears welling in his eyes.

"Ugh! You're a fucking freak! I should have known, you're so flipping weird Dan! That's just gross! I need to get out of here!" Phil yelled, absolutely furious. He stormed out of the apartment, leaving Dan a crying mess, laying in Phils bed.


After six hours of worrying about Phil and crying his eyes out because of him, he finally heard the front door open.

Phil stumbled through the hallway, clearly drunk out of his mind, tear tracks staining his cheeks. Dan rushed out of his room when he hears a crash, hurrying over to his best friend when he sees him on the floor.

"Come on, let's get you into bed," Dan muttered.

"No! I can't go to bed, I need to find Dan!" Phil exclaims, getting up off the floor slowly and looking around frantically.

"I am Dan!" He said, trying to take Phil's hand to lead him away.

"No no, I need to find Dan!" He said, tears starting to fall down his cheeks. As upset with Phil as he was, Dan was still devastated to see his Best Friend in such a state.

"Why do you need to find Dan?" Dan asked, wrapping his arm around Phil's shoulder and walking him into his room.

"I need to tell him I'm sorry! I was so horrible to him earlier and he needs to know how sorry I am!" He said, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Just tell him how sorry you are, I'm sure he'll understand," Dan advised, opening the door to Phil's room and pulling Phil into it.

"I can't go to sleep yet, I have to tell Dan I love him first!" Phil exclaimed, jumping off the bed.

"I'm friends with Dan, I'll tell him for you, just go to sleep," Dan said, sighing when he saw the time. It was almost three in the morning and they both needed their sleep after the day they'd had.

"You know Dan?!" Phil asked.

"Yup, so I'll tell him you love him if you go to sleep okay?" Dan reasoned.

"Okay, but you have to pinky swear you'll tell him," Phil said, stumbling up to Dan and holding his pinky out, "Promise?"

"Promise," Dan said. Then Phil stumbled over to the bed and got under the covers.

"Night Phil," Dan whispered, moving to turn off the lights.

"Will you stay with me tonight?" Phil asks quietly, looking up at Dan. Sighing, and knowing he probably shouldn't, he walks over to the bed and climbs under the covers. Phil immediately wraps his arms around him and cuddles up to him.

"Night night," Phil whispers.

"Night Phil,"


The next morning, Dan woke up to the sound of Phil moaning in pain. He immediately hopped out of bed and rushed to him some aspirin and water, not wanting his friend to be in any pain. He handed them over to Phil.

"Thanks, Dan," Phil whispered, quickly taking the pills and drinking the entire glass of water.

"What cereal do you want for breakfast?" Dan asked happily.

"Huh? Why are you being nice to me?" Phil asked, frowning at Dan. Hadn't he been absolutely horrible to him yesterday? What's going on?

"Why wouldn't I be nice to you?" Dan asked, before remembering that Phil probably didn't remember last night, "OH, you don't remember what happened last night do you?"

"Huh? What d'ya mean? What happened last night?" Phil questioned curiously. Dan just smirked.

"That's for me to know and for you never to find out! Let's just say that we're okay now yeah?"

"Okay, I didn't do anything inappropriate right?"

"Nah, nothing embarrassing, don't worry about it,"

"And Dan?"


"I'm really really sorry about yesterday, I don't even know what happened, but I completely accept you and I still love you okay?"

"Thanks, Phil,"

"I love you, Dan, I really do."

"I love you too Phil."

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