I'll Stay

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When Phil left that morning, Dan had been happier than he'd ever seen him. When he came back, he was in tears.

Phil heard the sound of Dan sobbing, and he rushed into his room to comfort the boy. Dan wasn't in his bedroom, and at first that worried Phil because Dan had a habit of locking himself in the bathroom and harming himself. The bathroom door was wide open though, and his boyfriend wasn't inside, so those fears were quickly diminished. 

When he found Dan, he was curled up in Phil's bed, wearing one of Phil's hoodies. With a sad smile on his face, Phil took his jeans off and climbed into bed with his crying boy. His arms weaved their way around his waist, and he pressed kisses to the back of his neck.

"What's wrong bear?" Phil mumbled, tracing patterns on Dan's tummy. He sighed heavily, wiping his red eyes.

"I came out to my parents," Dan told him, chocking on another sob. Phil knew it had gone badly. The question was how badly? He hugged Dan a little tighter, wanting to protect his baby from the world.

"What did you tell them? Gender or sexuality?" He questioned, remembering that Dan wasn't out to them about either. 

"I told them I'm non binary," Dan mumbled in reply, "They freaked. I couldn't mention you as well."

"I'm so sorry Danny," Phil told him, gently turning him around so he could see Dan's face. With a soft touch, he wiped the tears away, pressing his lips to Dan's in a short, but sweet, kiss.

"They don't love me anymore," Dan whispered, tears pooling in his eyes. 

"I'll have to love you enough for both of them then," Phil told him with a small comforting smile, gently stroking his cheek with the pad of his thumb.

"I, I don't understand why you stay! You fell in love with Daniella, not Dan, yet you stay. Why do you stay?" Dan asked, his voice cracking at the end as fresh tears fell down his cheeks. Phil sighed unhappily, biting his bottom lip.

"I fell in love with you. I don't care what gender you are, or what your name is. I just love you, of course I'm going to stay," Phil told him, kissing his forehead.

"You promise?" Dan mumbled.

"Promise," he smiled, kissing the tip of his nose.

And sixty years later when they died in each others arms, Dan smiled. Phil had kept his promise.

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