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"Thanks mother."

I kissed Anya's cheek after she finished re-braiding the commanders circle in my hair.

"Your welcome goufa."

"I'm sorry if my story of the mountain upset you mother."

I whispered feeling terrible the whole night as I dreamt of my old life. Lexa entered the tent and sat down with us. We had traveled to the ark campsite overnight but had decided to camp outside their walls before entering today. Clarke and her sky people had gone ahead to set up a council meeting to talk about the mountain and how to get our people out of there. Anya helped me up from my seat on the floor and held my hand to her heart,

"I am not upset with you, Mina. I am upset that I missed out on being your mum for so long but I will change that as much as I can. You are back where you belong and I'm never going to let you go again."

I nodded and kissed her cheek before grabbing Lexa's hand and leading her out the tent.

Indra sat by the fire sharpening her knife so I went to sit by her to get the warmth of the fire, winter was fast approaching. She looked up at me and gave me a slight nod,

"Good morning goufa."

I nodded back at her and grabbed a breakfast plate of eggs and bacon.

"Morning Indra."

I shrugged off my jacket to sit on and her eyes drew to my large tattoo on my bicep.

"You are a second?"

Indra asked curiously and I twirled a bit of bacon, thinking before answering.

"I was. I'm not sure if I still am, it was a long time ago and I was very little."

Indra nodded and we went silent before Anya added to the convosation she was sitting in the trees keeping a look out over the ark,

"You may have been little but the 4 kill marks on your back proved your worth. You have 6 more to be added when you are ready."

I spun around and faced my mother, shielding my eyes from the morning light with my palm. Indra whistled,

"And you were 6? That's amazing. Who was your first?"

I smiled at Indra,

"Anya was my first, Lexa and I were both her seconds."

Anya swung down from the branch and landed gracefully like a panther.

"Your still my second, Mina."

I raised my eyebrows at her,

"It's okay Anya, it was a long time ago, I am no longer a warrior."

I realised my mistake instantly as she threw her dagger at me and I caught it easily.

"No longer a warrior huh? Say that to the 6 mountain men you killed. You have been my second since you were 4 Mina, you are a warrior."

I walked over to her and grasped her forearm.

"Thank you mother."

I walked over to the arc gates where Lexa waited impatiently and stood by her side. I gulped at the men with guns who protected the wall and the citizens who stared at us. Lexa placed a calming hand on my wrist and led me forward as the gate opened and we entered the ark.


I heard somebody shout out and I spun around to see Bellamy run towards me and pick me up off the ground. I placed my arms around his back uncertainty, he had been nice to me during my stay but I didn't realise he cared this much for me.

"Hello Bellamy."

I said quietly as Anya furiously stomped to us and stood there with her hands crossed. She hissed at him,

"Get off my daughter, sky person."

I rolled my eyes at her but pushed Bellamy away lightly.

"What was all that about?"

I asked quietly as I walked back to my mothers side and she grasped my wrist. Bellamy smiled at me and looked me over,

"I was worried about you when you disappeared, your only young and I worried you would meet your death alone in those woods."

I sniffed at him and squared my shoulders,

"The woods were much safer than your camp, Bellamy. And besides I am 16 winters, I am not young I can take care of myself."

Bellamy scoffed at my words but smiled at me lightly,

"All the same, I'm glad your okay and back with your family."

I thanked him before Lexa called me over to her once again,

"What's up Lexa?"

She raised her eyebrows at me and the strange speak I rolled my eyes at her and grinned,

"Raised in the mountain remember?"

Lexa shrugged and we both went into the giant metal structure where the council meeting progressed.

I stood by Lexa's chair and my mother stood on the other side as Indra guarded the door. Clarke stood with her mother, the channellers Abby and Kane but we all knew it was only Clarke who Lexa would listen too and respect. Clarke began her tale of the mountain,

"The mountain men kept me and the rest of the 100 in quarantine until they released us into the fifth level where we stayed in a dorm. I knew something wasn't right and ripped my stitches to get back into the hospital ward. When I woke up there I discovered the grounders kept in cages and drained of their blood. A women Dr.Tsing was in there, she's in charge of the whole experiment."

I stiffened and Lexa and my mother swung their gaze to me.


Lexa questioned me quietly and I sniffed against the rising emotions,

" that can't be right. She wouldn't do that...NO!"

I screamed at them and Clarke cocked her head at me,

"She's vicious and cruel why wouldn't she? She drains the blood out of the grounders and its only a matter of time before she does the same to my people."

I shook my head at her violently and Anya came behind me and rapped her arms around my shaking body, keeping me safe and keeping Clarke safe.

"Your wrong. She's always been against the culling, she wouldn't do that to me."

Clarke shook her head sadly at me and I growled at her causing all the sky people and Lexa to stiffen. I rolled my eyes at them and quietly apologised to Clarke. Clarke went back to her talk about the mountain and finding my mother trapped in a cage. That was it for me as she described the horrid treatment my mother went through, that was it for me. I felt my emotions go cold and my head clear. When Clarke voiced her plan to put Bellamy into the mountain I spoke up,

"I volunteer to go with him. I used to belong to the mountain, they will want me back in, Dr.Tsing and Cage will make sure of it."

Anya shook her head,

"No! I order you not to step foot in that mountain again Mina. I am your mother and I forbid you from doing this."

Lexa shook her head at my mother sadly and took a deep breath,

"Are you sure Mina? Why will they let you back in?"

Anya screamed at Lexa native curse words as I replied,

"Because they consider me their daughter. Cage is in charge he won't let me be hurt."

Anya grabbed me and pulled me behind her as the sky people looked on in confusion.

"Don't do this Lexa. Don't make me lose my daughter again!"

Lexa remained still as she faced down my mother,

"This is her choice Anya. She will be fine, we need an inside man to take down this mountain, and she's as inside as they come."

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