Chapter 22

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I mumbled as light suddenly entered my eyes. I squinted against the harsh light and held my hand over my eyes in an attempt to shield myself and re-gain my sight back.

"I see you've finally awoken."

A cold women's voice from behind me stated and I swung around, standing up quickly too see her.

"My son asked me too get you away from Polis."

The lady stood before me wore a huge headdress and a long, flowing dress. I cocked my head to the side as I stared at her in confusion.

"I'm sorry...who are you?"

I asked with a slight raise to my eyebrows. She spread her hands out to the side and motioned me over,

"Now that is exactly what I wanted to ask you! I am Queen Nia of Azgeda, my dear."

So this was my grandma...Lexa had warned me about her. I quickly dropped into a bow before standing again.

"I am Mina, your majesty."

Queen Nia nodded at me before the door swung open and a guard entered. She said something to the Queen in the Azgeda language so I turned my attention to my surroundings. I was being held in a large wooden room with no windows and only one door. Candles hung from clasps on the walls, allowing light to pool over me. I walked the room, tracing my hands across the walls in an attempt to know this room. Knowing the area is always an advantage when it comes to a fight.


The queen called, becoming me over with a wave of her hand. I casually walked over to her and stood before her guard,

"Yes, your majesty?"

"Hold out your hand."

I did as she desired and watched in fear as her guard in-sheathed her blade.

"What's going on?"

I asked panicked as the knife got nearer and nearer.

"It's nothing to be concerned with, dear. I simply want to know why my son is so interested in your safety."

I had no idea how a knife had any way of answering her questions so continued to back away. In a flash her guard had me pinned to the floor and she drew her knife across my palm. I hissed at the sensation of my blood pooling out across my palm and bared my teeth at her.

"Get off me."

I growled out while flipped her off. The queen and her guard stared at my hand for a few moments before nodding to each other and turning to me,

"You are of Ice Nation blood."

I clutched my hand to my chest and hissed at the pain again.

"How did attacking me prove that."

The queen rolled her eyes and motioned to the cut on my hand.

"The knife was drenched in a poison that is deadly to all but my clan. My clan is immune, and you are ice nation."

I shook my head at her while my heart pounded in my chest.

"I am Trikru."

The queen simply raised her eyebrows,

"I think we just proved that is not true. Now child, how do you know my son?"

To answer or not to answer? I really didn't want to tell her but I was terrified that if she found out I lied to her she would have my head. Thankfully, the door swung open and prevented me from answering. The queen sighed in frustration and left the room with the newcomer. Before she could disappear and lock the door she ordered her guard,

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