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After my announcement mom didn't move a muscle. Her breaths became ragged and she stared at me in resentment, "Mia...what are you talking about?" I giggled and grabbed her hands playfully, like I used to when I was a child. "You heard me. Now, if you don't want to share his fate your going to let the 100 and ALL of the grounders go." Mom stared at me like I had gone mad and I noticed the rest of the room looking at me with open confusion.

I cleared my throat and vaulted onto the nearest table. I raised myself to standing and called everyone to attention, "Hello, hello people of the mountain. You remember me, yes? Well if you don't I'm Mina but you know me as Mia." The guards raised their guns but dropped them when they recognised my name and voice, "Dr.Tsing and Cage's kid?" One of the asked and before I could reply the door to floor 5 flew open and my mother sauntered in, while swinging her swords wildly. "No." Anya spoke hauntingly, "That little goufa belongs to me." I rolled my eyes at her, "I'm no goufa, mother. How many times do we have to go over this?" My mountain mom looked at Anya in barely concealed dread. I jumped down from the table and swung around as my adoptive mom drew me closer to her admits the growls of my mother. "Get off my daughter, ripa." Anya spat at Dr.Tsing the word for killer or murderer and mom replied, "Mia is my daughter." The mountain guards and citizens shifted uncomfortably as they watched the dispute and the two mothers face off. My moms were very different but very similar in some stance ways. They are both fearlessly protective of their loved ones and great leaders but Anya possessed something Dr.Tsing had long ago lost: a heart. I pulled away from my mom and faced her, fave to face. "You should never have gone down this path." I murmured to her before kissing her cheek and walking away from her towards my real mother.

Anya swung a protective arm around my shoulder and we both ran from the room before the gun men could realise what had truly happened. As we climbed the stairs and entered the command room where Murphy and Bellamy worked tirelessly I turned to Anya. She took in the expression in my eyes and no words were needed. I kissed her head on my toes, brushed my hand down her arm and nodded to her. Anya took one last look at the room before she left and headed back to lead her people, where she belongs.

I walked over to Bellamy and gave him a quick hug, "I'm glad your alive Belami." Bellamy ran his hands over my arms and ruffled my hair, "You too kid. I was worried." I stuck my finger up at him in a playful manner and walked back over to Monty. "Whatcha doing?" I asked  when he saw in was me I saw his eyes flash in pain at the question before he answered, "This is called a computer, it can control many things." I raised my eyebrows at his strange words before it clicked. I'm a grounder and grounders know nothing of technology. "Com-puter ?" I asked in a caveman voice and I saw him inwardly sigh before I giggled and added, "Raised in the mountain Monty. Don't dumb it down for me I took IT classes for years." Monty raised his eyebrows in surprise before he continued with the answer I had been wanting all the time, "Okay Mina so basically I'm trying to decode the system so I can unlock the doors, turn the air fans around anti-clockwise and start drawing in outside air."
That was the plan. The plan that would kill every single person in this mountain, be they good or evil. "And so I become death." I murmured and Bellamy finished, "Destroyer of worlds." I fist bumped him before getting back to the matter at hand,
"Are you sure you can do this?" Monty nodded and looked at the lever to my left, "Give me a moment and that lever will end the mountain."

A scream drew my attention to the CCTV cameras where my mom stood over an operating table, drilling into the Abby Griffin from the ark. "Oh my life." I whispered in disgust and shock, I had heard all the rumours about my mom but I had never seen it up close. My mountain parents were both monsters, when did this happen? The doors to our programming room flew open and Clarke ran inside with a gun to President Wallace's head. He turned towards me when he heard my gasp and whispered, "Mia? What are you doing here?" I rolled my eyes at his question and turned my attention to Clarke. "Give me the gun, I will keep him occupied. Make Dr.Tsing stop." She looked at me for a few seconds, trying to decided if she could trust me but her mothers screams forced her into action. Clarke handed me the gun and I pointed it at President Wallace and unsheathed my dagger with the other hand.

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