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The air raced past my cheek and my heart pounded deep in my throat as I thought my body to run as fast as I could. Lexa had to know. I had to succeed, thousands of lives would depend on my warning. I had been running for hours before the gates off Polis neared. I noticed the "no weapon" zone and quickly chucked my weapons to the ground, re-laced my boots and raced into Polis.

The markets surrounded me, sellers reached out with their hands, offering treats from food to weapons and clothes. I politely ignored their offers and raced around polis, I had not been here for years and the path was cloudy in my mind. I stopped at a stall at quickly asked,
"Excuse me, could you point me in the direction off the commander's tower?" The shop man stares at me slightly before asking, "You are lost?" I narrowed my eyes at him in frustration and frisky nodded me head. "Take the next left, it's a few minutes down that track. The tower is the tallest building in Polis, you should find it easily." I thanked the man quickly before taking off, running down the street once again. The path to the left came up quickly, nearly causing me to trip at the speed I raced down it. People around me stared in confusion but nobody approached me until I reached the guards to the commander's tower.

I took a moment to catch my breath as I panted heavily with my hands on my knees. The guards chuckled between themselves as they watched me regain my balance. "I have to speak with the Commander!" I spoke loudly when I was once again ready to talk. The guards dropped their weapons slightly and motioned me in, "The commander is in her throne room. You will have to wait in line." I groaned at that but I knew there was no way to get past it, having a sister that's the commander is never easy. Even for things like talking to her. "Mochof." I thanked them before making my way inside, towards the lift.

The guard at the lift sighed when he saw me and motioned towards the lift, "Get in then." I smiled at his bad mood, no doubt he souls have been pulling people up by the dozens all day. I thanked the lift man and settled in comfortably in the metal box. The grinding of the gears finally came to a stop after a long few minutes. The doors sprung open and I stepped outside them to be blinded by the light. "Ughhh." I mumbled to myself and made my way to the back of the que. Lexa's citizens all have the right to speak to her during her "talking" hours. She would basically sit on her throne and listen to any worries or problems the clans people were facing and decide if action needed to be taken or if blood needed to be spilt. It was one of the reasons she is so well respected, the people love her for her ability to listen and respect each and everyone of them.

The like grew shorter and shorter until, eventually it was my turn. The guards nodded to me and flung the big double doors open. I stepped into the room while keeping my face down and knelt down before the throne. I stayed silent for a few moments before Lexa's bored voice rang through the room, "Rise, and speak your troubles. As is your right." I slowly rose to my feet before flinging my hood off and grinning at my sister. Before a word could be said my mother flung across the room, from a place I had not seen her and she tackled me into a bear hug.

She sobbed into my hair as my frozen body held her stiffly. I slowly relaxed against her comforting hold and leaned into her body. She smelt like home, like love and family. A few seconds later another body joined the hug and I looked up with wet eyes to see Lexa in-casing herself around my body. "Lexa." I mumbled and pulled away from them both, now was not the time. "This isn't a social visit. I've come to warn you, Heda." My mother stiffened and grasped my wrist in protection when Lexa climbed back into her throne. "Speak Mina." She barked out and I complied, "Ice nation marches against tree clan and ski kru. Thousands of warriors march by the treaty line." Lexa widened her eyes in shock and began barking orders at her generals. I waved a quick goodbye to her as she furiously stomped from the room.

Anya swiftly grabbed my wrist and led me away from the public eye. She marched me down corridor after corridor until we reached a big old oak door. After inserting the key, Anya threw me inside and stepped in after me. She closed the door and glared at me, "Why did you runaway?" I closed my eyes against her harsh stair, that I completely deserved and plonked myself down on the floor with my head in my hands. "I couldn't face them everyday." Anya sat infront of me and placed her hands on my knees, forcing me to look at her. "You couldn't face who, my darling?" I leaned my face into her shoulder and whispered, "I couldn't face you. I couldn't face mum, I couldn't face dad. I can't live with what I've done."

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