Chapter 38

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Has anyone noticed the lovely new book cover? And of course thank you very much too SilverStylist for doing such an amazing job on it, I am very pleased with it!

Trian still hadn't awoken. For days I sat by his side, ignoring the world in favour of being with my beloved. It had been a month since the dreadful attack and it was finally time for my next check up with the ever-caring Dr.Griffin. I lay, eyes closed on the hospital bed nearest Trian as my belly was once again exposed to the morning air as a cold jelly like substances was slavered over it. Dr.Griffin smiled down at me while we both waited patiently for the image to load,

"Your doing remarkably well, for your situation Mina. I would never have guessed that a girl as young as you could be taking a single pregnancy so well."

My smile fell slightly at her light-hearted comment, to all observers I would look like a single parent. Like my boyfriend had left me, like I had been abandoned and left all alone yet again. I forced a smile onto my face at her questioning look and nodded my head too her.

"Mochof, Dr.Griffin. Although, I am 17 winters, many girls younger than me have children already."

The middle-aged Doctor looked absolutely horrified at my announcement and took no measure to hide her disapproval.

"That's ridiculous. Yes, I know that here, on the ground, life spans are much shorter and the customs are very different, but I didn't have my Clarke until I was 28, 11 years older than you, and even then I felt much too young!"

I held out my hand too grasp the trembling doctors arm and looked into her scared eyes,

"Clarke will be fine, Dr.Griffin. She is also carrying Anya's grandchild, she will be more than protected."

My doctor nodded and pulled my hand off her arm with surprising force. A beep from the machine had us both diverting our eyes to gaze upon my unborn goufa. Her little feet kicked about, her hands clasped and un-clasped causing my heart to beat faster than it had since Trian, while I vividly imagined her little fists clasping over my own finger.

"She's developing beautifully, Mina. Your going to have a healthy baby girl in about a month and a half if all goes to plan."

"Gada?" (Girl)

An incredibly weak voice broke the silence while causing my heart to explode in happiness as I quickly turned my gaze over to the nearest bed. What I saw made me break down into tears all over again as I quickly jumped up from my own hospital bed and flung myself at my lover. His arms, as weak as they were, still immediately encircled me as I laid my head down on his chest and cried tears of happiness. He was back, I was no longer alone. My beautiful, caring, loving, amazing, brave, kind boyfriend was back.

Trian stroked fast little pattens into the crown of my head as he held me with all the strength he possessed while I finally let myself experience all the emotions I felt for the brilliant young man who held me so carefully in his arms.

"I love you Trian, I love you so so much. I'm so sorry I've never told you before but please, don't ever leave again, I love you too much too ever go through that again."

His arms tightened around me before he tilted my chin up to see my eyes. His blue eyes seemed to hold the secrets and experiences of the universe as he stared into my soul and told me calmly.

"You're my life, heart and soul Mina. All I need is you."

I snuggled closer into his chest after his beautifully worded confession and he in turn placed his chin over my head and whispered so quietly that if I hadn't been millimetres away from him I couldn't have possibly heard it,

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