Chapter 30

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I woke up with a horrible taste in my mouth and an unbelievable stomach ache. I pushed Trian's arm away from my body and jumped out of the hammock in which we had been cuddling. Running, I exited the room by a back door and puked the contents of my stomach onto the grass. A comforting hand stroked the middle of my back and held my hair back as I finished puking.

"You okay princess?"

I nodded at him weakly and used my arm to brush away any stray sick.

"I'm good."

Trian shook his head at me and reached to lift me off my feet bridal style.

"No your not baby."

I pushed against his sides gently as he carried me back into the house and placed me down on the furs around the fire pit in the living space. He reached over me in order to crash two fire flints together in order to create a spark. I passed him some of the straw stored near me and watched as he cradled the baby flame and blowed on in gently. We watched it grow together before he threw it into the fire pit that was lined with drips of alcohol, causing it to grow considerably. Sighing, I warmed my hands over the fire and smiled at Trian,

"I'm feeling much better now."

Trian raised his eyebrow, not looking convinced or happy at all but luckily he let it go. I crawled over to him and sat myself in his lap. Trian placed his hands on my chin, tilting my mouth back for a short and sweet kiss.

"I have to go to work baby. Feel free to stay in the house or go out, there is money in a jar in the bedroom. I will be back by nightfall, try and not get in too much trouble and please if you feel rough again go to a doctor."

I giggled at him but frowned afterwards at the thought of being left alone for the day, oh well, I had time to explore my kingdom! I kissed Trian one last time before he removed me from his lap gently and made his way to the door, grabbing his jacket on the way. He was about to leave before he stopped with a palm to the the forehead. Trian smirked at me and grabbed something from his trouser pocket. He threw whatever it was towards me and I easily caught it. My eyes widened in understanding when i realised he had given me a key. A lump formed in my throat and my eyes welled with tears at the simple but oh so important gesture. I gripped the house key firmly to my heart and offered my boyfriend a tear-full smile. He simply shook his head at me before closing the door behind him, leaving to work. I put the key around my neck, smiling at the simple joy of having somewhere and someone to call home. With that exact thought I got up from the furs and opened my backpack in order to grab some paper and a pencil.

Dear Mother,                                                        

I write this letter from the comfort of a very good friends home, whom has kindly offered me a place to stay. I wish to inform you that I am well, looked after and happy - you need not worry about me mother. I miss you and Lexa hugely, you are always in my thoughts and my heart. My father agreed to allow me a normal life under the conditions that I update him on my life and keep in close contact. I wish you were here mother. But your duties lie with the commander and your people.

Keep a close eye on my sister for me mother, I love her more than she will ever know and it deeply pains me that she feels I no longer love her. If by chance she reads this letter please know Lexa you will forever be the other side of my coin, I know you feel I have betrayed you by not telling you my heritage and I am deeply sorry for that, I never meant to hurt you, I could never hurt you on purpose.

Please tell Indra that I miss her and I greatly appreciated her friendship, I greatly appreciated her. I hope you are not suffering too much, being away from father and myself. I have found someone very special to me here Anya. His name is Trian and he is truly one of the most amazing men I have ever met. He cares for me in every way, plus he treats me like a queen. I tell you this so that you do not fear for my mental wellbeing, I have people around me who care for me and that is always enough. 

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