Chapter 36

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I was on a high after finding out the sex of my beautiful daughter, but Clarke surely wasn't. She remained in a ball, silently shaking against the door all throughout my discovery, and even a bit after, as her mother and myself tried in vain to convince her to tell us what was wrong.
My patience unfortunately snapped after about an hour of sweetly talking to my companion, this amount of stress would not be good for her developing child, the child that was also my niece.

"Clarke, if you do not stand up right this second and explain to your mother what is going on I am going to do it for you."

Clarke's head snapped up at my words, a slight frown marring the crevice of her eyebrows before she shockingly held out a hand for me to pull her up. Dr Griffin remained completely confused as she shot looks between her daughter and myself. I helped Clarke over to the bed that I had previously occupied before kissing her forehead, thanking her mother, grabbing my photos and leaving mother and daughter to talk privately.

Heavy footsteps, characteristic of the sky people, fell into step with my own as I attempted to navigate the hallways of the ark. I lifted my chin up too see my old acquaintance; Bellamy Blake. I smiled up at him as he grabbed my hand, allowing us to walk in comfortable silence. Bellamy and I had developed an oddly physical friendship over the few times we had met, nothing serious, just a general understanding of the comfort it brought too us both.

"So... you're pregnant now?"

I smirked up at him and his oddly obvious question and placed our joint hands over my protruding belly.

"Yes, my daughter is due in 3 months."

Bellamy flashed me one of his heart-breaker smiles as he began tracing pattens over my stomach,

"You look very beautiful Mina, you've really grown up."

I smiled up at him shyly, my heart racing even though I felt no romantic feelings towards the handsome young man. I dropped Bellamy's hand and placed my own on my stomach and replied with a slight taunting tone to my voice.

" boyfriend thinks so too."

Bellamy burst out laughing, kneeling over his laughter affected him so much. Which in turn caused me too laugh until we grinned like two drunken hyenas. Bellamy had apparently fallen over in his laughing fit so I held out my hand and helped pull him up even though I wasn't much help, I couldn't be bothered to put too much strain on my body to help a grown man up off the floor. We resumed our comfortable silence until we reached the exit of the ark and the beautiful sunlight began streaming through the metal again. Bellamy turned to me and once again grasped my hands, but this fine pulled me into a strong hug, causing me to wrap my arms around his neck whilst breathing in his unique, metallic scent.

"I'm not going to spout a load of shit about waiting for you or anything like that but...I will always be here if you need me Mina. I think I owe you that much."

I nodded to his words and kissed his cheek quickly before I walked away from the opening of the ark and disappeared into the shadows. At least I tried to, but Indra grabbed my arm with a frantic look in her eyes and pulled me away from the Ark and Bellamy.

"Indra? Indra! What is going on?"

I questioned her frantically as she continued to drag me away from the ark, her eyes glistening with tears and a rabid look upon her face. Clarke came running out of the Ark a few moments later, spotted us and raced towards us, she too had tears in her eyes. My eyes scanned the surroundings, coming into focus upon the guards clutching their guns as they appeared to be getting closer too us. The chancellor, Pike stood in front of a large assembly of rowdy people all whispering and demanding an explanation as too what was going on. I too desperately wanted to know but Indra and Clarke appeared pretty insistent on getting us out of there as quickly as possible. My mind was spinning with possibilities and fears but Pike's words were the ones that sent shivers of dread down my spine,

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