Love is weakness

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I walked over to Cage and leaned down to his ear,

"I'm going to go see the rest of the 100 in their dorm, do you mind?"

Father looked at me strangely before shaking his head,

"Of course not. Go have fun, I shall try and find your mother I don't know where she's gone too."

I nodded at him and kissed him on his cheek,

"Thank you father."

I walked back over to Jasper and Monty as they stood flabbergasted at me.


I asked innocently wishing i had my weapons to twirl. Jasper looked at me and then looked at Cage,

"What the hell Mina how do you know him? I thought you were the princess grounder's kid."

I giggled at that and grabbed Monty's arm.

"I am Anya's daughter yes. I was raised by Cage and Dr.Tsing though."

They looked at each other and shivered,

"You know she drains the grounders."

I sighed and nodded,

"It's disgusting and I hate her for it but she did raise me."

A thought struck me as we entered the dormitory,

"She hasn't drained you guys yet has she?'

Jasper and Monty looked at me in confusion.

"She asked Jasper to donate for Maya once but she hasn't locked us up and drained us or anything like that yet."

I nodded,

"It will be coming, no doubt about that."

My lip curled up in disgust at the length these people went to to survive. The rest of the 100 looked at me in confusion as someone finally put the pieces together,

"What's the grounder doing here?"

and another one called,

"Thats the grounder princess's kid! The one we locked up."

I rolled my eyes at them but before i could say anything the door opened and my mother stood there with a cold sneer on her face,

"I was just wondering that myself."

One of the guards rushed forward and grabbed Monty. I spun around and kicked him in the face.

"What the hell is going on, mom?"

I asked her as i fought with the guard.

"Monty will be coming with me, Mia."

I tried my best i really did but more and more guards appeared and nocked me back.

"Why are you doing this mother? These kids have done nothing wrong!"

She appeared next to me and took my hands,

"They haven't done anything wrong I know Mia, they've done everything right! With their bone marrow we will finally be able to return to the ground. As is our birthright."

I hissed at her and shook my hands out off her grasp,

"You lost that birthright the day you condemned innocents to death so you could live."

Mother shook her head at me begging me wit her eyes to understand her,

"You don't understand. This doesn't affect you! You don't have to live in this metal box under the earth you can be free and live above the earth. All because of your birth parents who abandoned you and left Cage and I too pick up the lost girl."

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