The bridge

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Mum! My mum was finally here...after all this time. I let out a small quiet sob into her braided hair and breathed out as she clutched me desperately to her. I could hear her warriors gentle whispers get louder and louder the longer we clung to each other. I stepped away from my mother slightly and she frowned when she took in the rest of my appearance. My raggedy hair, barely covering clothes, stick thin appearance, chaffed wrists. She quickly took of her long coat and helped me into it before wrapping my wolf skin over the top. Clarke stepped forward again,

"I'm Clarke, we've come here to negotiate a peace treaty."

My mum mostly ignored her before kissing me on the cheek and motioning for me to go stand with one of her warriors. I didn't recognise any of them but that was too be expected, Warriors don't usually have the longest lifespan and these people probably weren't native to the village I grew up in. I steadied myself against the bridge, hating how weak I couldn't help being. Mum walked forward but ignored Clarke's outstretched hand.

"I am Anya."

She looked at Fin next,

"Why is my daughter in such a condition? If you have harmed her in any way that itself is an act of war."

She spat out anger clear in her tone. Finn tried to come forward but my mothers people stopped him from approaching, I could see my mum was going to get nowhere like this. I straightened my back, covered my exposed flesh with my mothers coat and walked towards them, trying desperately hard not to stumble. I didn't have any particularly strong feelings towards these sky people, they tied me up and also let me go. My anger was mostly directed to that group of boys who had the audacity to knock me out and drag me to their camp, completely uncalled for. I grasped my mums forearm and smiled at Clarke,

"It's okay mum, they didn't really harm me."

Clarke's mouth tried to stay straight but I could tell she was trying not to smile at me. My mum looked at me with her calculating eyes and spoke in our language,

"Explain what you mean by really."

I gulped and tried to find a way to explain without it sounding like I was being changed to the sky. Suddenly I felt a change in the air and spun around to see a boy from the camp shooting wildly. Clarke looked devastated as Finn ran towards her and my mum sprang onto her. I knew what those bullets could do and quickly ordered my mothers people,

"Take cover those guns can kill us!"

They immediately jumped into action and mounted their horses. A young man near me went down with blood splurging out his mouth. I ran over to him and pushed him over. His eyes were glazed as he chocked back on the blood, there was nothing I nor anybody else could do now. I closed his eyes and softly whispered,

"Yu gonplei ste odon." 

A hand grasped my arm and I looked up with glazed eyes to see Finn,

"Come on Mina we have to leave...NOW!"

I stared at him in confusion,

"What are you talking about? Of course I'm not leaving. I'm going with my people, with my mother."

Finn shook his head and grasped me around the waist before flinging me over his back. I screamed and pounded his back with what little strength I had left,


Finn continued running towards the other side of the bridge with me held tightly over his shoulder. He ignored me completely but I twisted around to see my mothers people retreating. She met my gaze across the bridge her eyes heartbroken as that boy leader, Bellamy I think his name was held a group of her warriors at gunpoint. She softly held my gaze in a silent promise before kicking into action and mounting her horse, her warriors following her into the trees.

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