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The mountain stunk of rotting flesh as I stumbled through its walls, Anya and Indra held me tight against their sides. All around us men, women and children lay dead. It was all over. Everyone was gone. The mountain had fallen. I recognised them all, every face, every limb, every body curled up in agony. I dropped my weapons to the ground and left them there, I couldn't use them anymore. Clarke stood by the people and looked around with dead, horror filled eyes. She glanced up to me and I held her state for a few moments before I dropped my gaze tithe floor and leaned my head into my mother's neck. She reached out and patted my hair down, "Let's get out of here." She whispered and I allowed her and Indra to lead me away from where my former people lay, burned by the radiation and their own traitorous blood.

The fresh, clean air helped me process what had happened, to clear mind. I killed my dad, I killed my grandfather and worse of all I killed my mum. I ended their lives with my own hands, I crushed their souls and sent them to the afterlife with my own bare hands. My hands are evil. They are the hands of a sinner for I am a sinner. My leg fobbed with pain but it was nothing compared to the pain in my heart. No, the pain in my heart would never go away. No amount of gaze or bandages could fix this wound. Indra lowered me to the floor outside the mountain and unbounded my leg. "Ahhhh." I hissed as the material pulled away from it to reveal a deep hole. I grabbed my mother's flask from her side pocket and poured it onto my wound, bracing myself against the enormous pain that erupted from my actions. The alcohol hissed and ate angrily at my would like I reaper as I motioned to Clarke to come over from where she stood with Lexa, this girl needed to get her mind of the mountain. "Clarke I need you to remove the bullet and cauterise it before I bleed out." Clarke nodded and her hands quickly shot into action. She de-contaminated her fingers with my mother's alcohol and reached in like a snake to pull the bullet out. Anya grabbed my shoulders to hold me down and rub comforting patterns into my skin. Lexa came over wit worried eyes but I waved her off, "I'm fine sis. Make sure all the Warriors are well, they fought bravely today - you should be proud." Lexa smiled at me and traced her cold fingers down my cheek as Clarke finished pulling the bullet out.

I gasped out in relief as my wound was finally cauterised and sealed off. I leaned forward to hug Clarke and whispered in her eye, "Mochof, Clarke. For everything." She nodded back at me but her shielded eyes clued me into her emotions more than any words could possibly have done.
Clarke was empty. Her feelings towards her act to destroy the mountain would eat way at the timid, kind girl I knew until only a cold hearted monster remained. For that is the way of the ground and the only way anyone survives out here. A hand ran down my arm and I glanced up to see my mother smiling down at me, "I'm so proud of you Mina. You were so brave today, you served me well, as a second and as my daughter."
I grinned up at her and slowly rose to my feet, leaning my arm against her before I regained my centre of balance and was able to stand on my own. "Thank you noumon." Anya leaned forward and dropped her general mask as she kissed my closed eyelids and held me close to her chest. The tender action, while loving, reminded me of painful memories that sprung to the front of my mind before I could push them back down again to send them to the depths of my soul where they belong.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Mia! Happy birthday to you." Cheers filed the mess hall and clapped filled the air. I grinned up at my family and friends, my missing teeth shining under the candlelight from the 8 birthday candles. It was my first birthday in the mountain and my mum and dad were making a big deal out of it. The party was in full-force this evening, the whole mountain delighted to see the presidents family so happy and loving. Dad and mum has awoken me early in the morning to drag me down to grandfathers room and we had spent the morning together, laughing and opening presents. It was just the kind of life my mum and dad had never imagined until they saw me and took me in as their own. Dad and mum told me once that they had never been able to have their own child and I had filled that gap in their heart.

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