Chapter 32

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"You can't be serious Mina!"

Trian shouted at me as I rushed around our home collecting my things together for my journey to Polis. I turned around to face him and took a deep breath in and then one out in order to calm my emotions.

"Lexa's dead Trian. I have no choice, I have to go pack go Polis."

Trian raced towards me and grabbed my wrists but he was carefully not too cause me any pain even in his state of fear.

"No Mina! Don't you understand how dangerous this is going too be for our child? For you?"

Tears sprung to my eyes at the awful situation I was forced into as Trian sighed in defeat and pulled me into his strong embrace. I breathed in the calming scent of him while little sobs shook my body, his hold allowing me to let go,

"She's...she's gone..I can't *hiccup* believe it."

"Shhhh, calm down angel. Lexa wouldn't want you to cry over her death."

I gulped and took some deep, calming breaths. I tilted my chin up to look at my boyfriend before reaching up on my tippy toes to place a soft kiss over his lips. His arms wound around my waist before lifting me up, causing me to rap my legs around his middle in order to stay balanced. I dug my hands into his soft, wavy blonde hair as we kissed passionately. Trian's kisses always succeeded in making me forget my troubles, allowing me to grieve without pain. He truly was a miracle. When I finally needed air I placed my forehead against Trian's own and breathed out,

"All I need is you."

Trian grinned at my statement and placed a hand over my stomach,

"I am yours."

I kissed him again in agreement to his statement and felt my heart swell with something... love... towards my boyfriend as he held me tightly, his arms under my bum while I held him as close as possible with my legs. A loud knocking on the door had our heads jerking over to the front door. I began to unwind my legs from Trian's side and let go off his shoulders but he grasped me firmly to him and began to walk towards the door with me clinging on like a monkey. I giggled at how strange we would look and buried my blushing face into his neck as he swung the door open. A frosty silence overtook the room causing me to look up in confusion as too why no words were being exchanged between our visitor and Trian.

My father stood there with his mouth open, gapping at me as I seemingly clung onto Trian. Crap. Blushing, I detached myself from Trian and brushed myself off when my feet hit the floor. Luckily, I had put on one of Trian's jumpers so my baby belly was well hidden from my father's view. At least we didn't have too have that conversation right now. By the looks of it however he had no idea I was in a serious relationship with one of his guards. I would have thought that was pretty obvious by my housing arrangements but hey father's can be oblivious sometimes.

"Hei (hello) father!"

I grinned out to him as I pushed him inside and shut the door, stoping any more of the warm air escaping. Rowan didn't take his eyes off Trian as he dusted off some flaking of snow and pulled me into a soft hug.

"Yongon. (Daughter/offspring) Are you ready to go?"

I nodded my head quickly and grabbed the rucksack I had packed for me and after a moments thought handed Trian his. He wouldn't let me do this alone, I was sure of it. I grabbed his hand as he smiled at me and adjusted his backpack before grabbing mine as well causing me to roll my eyes at him. I turned towards my father who watched the whole exchange with narrowed eyes and told him,

"Trian is coming too. Could you assign his guard duty to the trip please, father?"

My father took a while too reply as his eyes raked over Trian like an old, experienced predator before he gifted me one, swift, quick nod and began walking towards the door before pulling it open and closing it behind him. Trian and I looked at each other with laughter in our eyes as we began to giggle uncontrollably.

"Well that went well!"

Trian laughed out and I nodded clutching my side as I laughed along with him,

"Just imagine how he's going to react when he finds out about our goufa!"

Trian and I stopped laughing then when we realised how scary he was going too be. Our eyes widened in fear and realisation as Trian dashed into our bedroom and chucked another of his large jumpers at me,

"Pack this!"

I did as he said and reached up to his back in order to pack the jumper into it. He held out his hand when I had finished and we finished locking the house up and putting out all the fires before we locked the front door behind us and turned too face my father. I smiled at my father as he motioned to a large white horse, standing next to a group of guards all on horse back and ready to leave. The horse sniffed my hand and Trian's after snorting in acceptance towards us. Trian grabbed my waist very gently as not to bump our goufa and lifted me onto the horse. I scooted over towards the mane of the horse, allowing Trian to climb up after me. He grabbed the reins and pulled me into his front so I could relax against him and nod off to the familiar, rhythmic pounding of his beautiful heart. 

As I began to awaken my ears picked up on a very uncomfortable conversation I would much rather have never had to happen, so naturally I pretended to still be asleep.

"I hope your treating my daughter right."

My father's questioning began with a seemingly harmless statement but we all knew it wasn't. I could feel Trian gulp as he talked to the King of his country, and ultimately the father of the girl he'd knocked-up. Not that Rowan knew that...but still. Trian did.

"All I want is too make her happy, your highness."

Trian replied to my father's question and I wanted to kiss him, he was so sweet.

"How long have you two been together?"

My father asked next causing me too have to suppress a smirk at how carefully Trian would have to tread with this one. 

"We met in the TreeKru cell, your highness, when Mina's identity was discovered. I was part of the queens guard and so met your daughter when we were thrown into a cell together. Mina's beauty blew me away, of course, as I'm sure it does too all who are her but that wasn't what drew me to her. She was so kind and passionate in her words that I just wanted to get to know her more, to understand the girl that such beautiful words came from. We grew close on the journey back to Aszgeda and when Mina needed a place to stay I didn't hesitate in opening my home to her. Over the last 5 and a half months your daughter has become my world and I truly couldn't wish for anything more."

My heart jumped and dived with the love I felt for my poetic boyfriend right in that moment. If we were alone I would have waisted no time in showing him how much I appreciated his beautiful words and his obvious love towards me. My father sat quietly on his horse for a while, seemingly just as stunned as I felt before he murmured out,

"It seems I was wrong about you, son. My daughter couldn't find  a better partner."

And with the Kings heavy words of approval he galloped back to the front of his group with a new respect for my boyfriend glinting in his dark eyes. I turned around in my seat to face Trian and flung my arms around his neck, kissing him square on the mouth. His lips moved against mine while his mouth curved up into a smile before pulling me back slightly so he could keep an eye on the horse and it's movements. After a few relaxing moments of listening to the horses hooves and my boyfriends heart I glanced back too Trian again and told him,

"Your amazing you know that?"

His answering grin told me all I needed to know.

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