Sky camp

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Night was quickly approaching and my stomach was growling. I desperately wanted to snap at it to,

"Be quiet!"

But I wasn't ready for the talking to myself part of being alone just yet. My wolf skin barely covered my body and I was shivering to the bone. Damn those stupid mountain men for taking me clothes and leaving me in these stupid White bits of fabric!!! Not that my old clothes would fit me now it being 10 years since I last had them but still...the thought was there. I chuckled softly to myself, reaching a hand to untangle some of the mess in my long dark blonde hair. A drop of water fell from the sky so I lifted my head up and drank desperately all it had to offer me. The taste cooled the fire in my throat but did nothing to calm the raging beast in my belly, nothing short of a good hunt would do that but I was out of practice.

I continued on through the woods with no location in mind, it wasn't like I had anywhere to go but then a hand reached out and grabbed my shoulder. I spun around and flung it off me but another one grabbed me arms. The boys in front of me appeared to belong to that group I saw earlier near the lake and for a split second my mind wandered wondering if that girl was okay, nobody deserves to die by flesh eating snake. I cocked my head to the side as the more of these people began to surround me but I bite my tongue, any advantage I could get was a good one. Even if I had to pretend not to understand them, another one of my mothers tricks. When a boy with black hair and freckles dotted across his handsome face tried to drag me along I reached out and kicked him aside before crouching down and attempting to run. Before I could get very far another boy landed on my back and pinning me down. I snarled and twisted under him as chanting from these strange people grew louder and louder. I think they were shouting


But that couldn't be right. Otherwise they would let me go right? Everybody knows not to bother us woods clan or "grounders" as some call us. My weak arms failed to protect me as a stone crashed down onto my head and the whole world went dark.

The first thing that clued me into my situation was the terrible weight I felt in my arms. Groaning I tried to move them but snapped to attention when I found them bound above me.


I spat in Trigedasleng and banged my arms in the air. My legs were in a slightly similar situation but at least they didn't hurt. My head throbbed as my eyes tried to adjust to the dim lighting in this metal room. Everything here was so strange, so like the mountain men yet so unlike them as well. For starters I wasn't in a cage, that's always a good place to start. The breath left my body as I saw a warrior of my people tied up just like me on the opposite side of the room. I didn't know his name but I could tell by all the tattoos across his chest that he was woods clan. He was dressed only in a pair of trousers, his head hanging down in sleep and dried blood clinging to his naked chest. My own chest heaved at the sight but at least these people had done be the favour of dressing me in a clean small top that covered my chest but left my stomach exposed and some shorts.


I whispered in Trigedasleng to the man across the room. His head shot up at hearing the native tongue and he looked me over in confusion. His eyes lingered on my scars and the black tattoo marking me as a second to the woods clan. We stared at each other in comfortable silence for a while before he softly asked in Trigedasleng,

"Who are you? Why do the sky people keep your prisoner with me here?"

I shook my head as much as I could at his questions,

"I am Mina, the mountain men had me. I was simply hunting when I ran into these people and now here I am."

The warrior growled at my answer and pushed against his chains,

"I shall get you out of here young one, you have done nothing and these sky people keeping you here is unjustified."

I smiled at his growled Trigedasleng, it was nice to hear the language again after so long.

"Thank you warrior."

And with that we both latched into silence, for it was the way of our people. What need is there for words when silence can say so much more?

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