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The opening of a hatch grabbed mine and the Warriors attention instantly, causing us too both straightened out. My stance relaxed only slightly compared to the Warriors when he saw it was just the brunette girl I had seen jumping into that lake, I'm glad she's not dead at least. I watched the warrior with the girl in silent amusement, her whisperings were obviously very heartfelt. I felt my body falling into the land of dreams but i quickly snapped out of it when I heard the sound of chains being undone. The warrior rubbed his wrists in relief and hugged the girl close to his chest before changing into some of their strange clothes. He almost darted down the hatch before his eyes met mine and he whispered out,

"I will come back for you, young one. My name is Lincoln."

I nodded back to him and replied in English as he addressed me in that language,

"Stay strong."

With one last glance at me Lincoln excited the strange room onboard this ship, leaving me alone again. Yet again. It seemed like days before the hatch opened once more but by the sun patten on the ground I deduced it had only been a few candlelicks. A girl with bright blonde hair entered the room along with a boy, I had seen them at the lake! The girl moved towards me and to my surprise undid the chains attaching me to the sky and the ground.

"Hello, my name is Clarke and that's Finn."

She pointed over to the boy standing next to her. Her blue eyes radiated kindness, a healer I guessed and I found myself relaxing in her gentle presence. The Finn boy handed me a stick of meat and I great fully gobbled it down. To speak or not to speak? They had been kind to me so I guess I owed them the same back.

"Thank you, Clarke, Finn. My name is Mina."

They both looked at me in confusion,

"You can understand us?"

I looked at them blankly,

"Of course I can, you're speaking English aren't you."

They looked at each other and laughed a little, causing the tension in the room to evaporate. Clarke handed me my wolf skin and I wrapped it around my shoulders. She led me out the strange building and I smiled when I realised the whole group was under the influence of them crazy nuts. She grabbed my arm and helped me out into the forest. When they didn't immediately let me go I got confused again,

"Wait that's going on? Why are you not letting me go?"

Finn sighed,

"Sorry Mina but Lincoln's arranged a meeting between the grounders and Clarke for a peace talk and we really need a show off good faith. We will give you back to them don't worry."

I nodded, trying to dispels the bad taste in my mouth and the butterflies in my stomach. What's if my people don't want me back? What if they don't even recognise me? It has been 10 years to be fair they might not even remember. I allowed Finn to push me along to a bridge that I remembered from my childhood and I had to quickly swallow down tears. Familiar drums begin to pound as a grounder army walked onto the bridge. Finn placed him self in front of me, keeping me from their gaze and I smiled when I spot Lincoln. He smiled back at me and waved slightly. His movement must have caught the attention of the leader as she sharply questioned,

"Who is that? What's going on? Do you have another of my people as your prisoner?"

Finn took a deep breath in and I could feel it exhale before pushing me into their line of sight. I heard an audible gasp fill the crowd and my eyes quickly flutter up to come face to face with the one person I thought i would never see again. Her dark blonde hair flowed behind her, her chocolate brown eyes dart all over me and her black war paint decorates her face. She quickly jumped of her horse and I found myself running to meet her. Her strong arms quickly embraced me and pulled me to her side, I burrowed my head into her neck and whispered,


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