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10 years ago

"Lexa please could you take Mina to the stream, she needs a bath."

Anya asked Lexa as I clung to her legs. Mother had been away in battle for the last month and she had only returned last night. At 6 years old I wasn't ready to leave her alone just yet.

"Mummy please let me stay with you!"

I asked her with pleasing eyes. Mother squatted down to knee level, pushed me away from her legs and held my chin up.

"Listen to me gupa. I shall not disappear, I will be right here when Lexa brings you back. If anything happens I shall come and get you two okay? I promise I won't leave you again so soon."

I nodded and reached up to kiss my mummy on her cheek,

"Okay mummy! Love you."

"I love you to my little goufa."

Anya then glanced up to Lexa and passed me over to her,

"Look after your sister Lexa! I love you too."

Lexa smiled with a slight blush creeping on face as she leaned in to kiss my mother on her forehead.

"I promise, Anya."

I skipped happily after my big sister, her hand held securely in mine as we crossed the village. Lexa was 9 years old and had beautiful long black hair that at 6 years old I was very jealous of. I tugged on her hair as she laughed and threw her head back, making her beautiful hair cascade down her back. The trees grew darker and closer together as we neared where the stream was. I happily ran to the water and cupped some before throwing it at my sister.

"Your it!"

I childishly giggled at her shocked face and quickly jumped out the way as she ran into the water. Her strong hands cupped a bigger amount of water than mine ever had as she grabbed my shoulders and threw it over my head. I gasped at the feel of the cold water and shook the rest of it off.


I giggled and we began playing and laughing and having a great time in each other's company.

After a while Lexa noticed the sun setting and motioned for me to get out the water. I stomped my foot at her,

"But I don't want to sis! I wanna stay in the water."

Lexa began nervously scanning the forest, darkness meant danger and animals being to hunt themselves.

"Come on Mina, you know we have to get back. Mother won't be pleased."

I rolled my eyes at her and stuck my tongue out,


With my back to the forest I didn't notice until it was too late. At 6 years old I was tiny and easy to snatch up so that's exactly what the masked man did. Lexa jumped up as he entered the river and grabbed me. She drew her dagger and pounced low on her heels ready to attack and save me but the masked man grabbed my chin and lifted me up by it. I screamed in pain and tried to wiggle out of his grasp furiously. Tears began to pool down my cheeks as the fear in my heart grew.

"Let me go please."

I sobbed in our language, not realising then that outsiders didn't understand it as I naturally did. The masked mans grip on my cheek grew harder and more dangerous. Lexa tensed in fear, unsure of how to take out the masked man without harming her sister. All of a sudden I felt a pin prick in my arm and looked down to see the masked man filling me up with sedative.

I cried and tried to push his arms off me but my arms failed me and grew weak. Lexa screamed at the mountain man and ran towards me, making her move. The mountain man quickly unsheathed a gun and pointed it at my head. I was getting dizzier and dizzier, the darkness consuming me. Lexa sobbed and drew to a stand still a few meters away from us.

Slowly but surely the mountain man began to edge away with me in his grasp, my limp limbs refusing to do my bidding. My head slumped against my neck, sending my dark blonde hair cascading around the masked mans arms like a waterfall. From my blurry vision I could dimly see Lexa fall to her knees in anguished and pain as I was series away, the gun constantly pointed at my scalp.

Present day

I threw myself into my sisters arms and sobbed.

"Lexa! Don't ever think that! It was never your fault nor your doing. The fault rests purely on the mountain - not on you."

My voice cracked as I proclaimed the truth to my sister and she buried her head in my hair, seeking out the familiar comfort and smell of a loved one. She ran her fingers through my hair and grazed over her commanders circle.

"Do you like it?"

She whispered and I nodded against her back,

"I love it."

Lexa and I simply held each other for a while, two broken souls coming together as one after such a long and painful time apart.

"I missed you dear sister."

I said to Lexa and she smiled back at me,

"You were always in my mind, Mina. I could never get rid of you even after all these years. When you came into my tent yesterday and sassed me while proclaiming to be my sister I couldn't believe my ears. I couldn't allow the hope to penetrate my heart if the hope was false winded and not true. I doubt I would have survived losing you again."

"You'll never lose me, Lexa. You never lost me. I will always be with you, be it body or spirit."

Lexa laughed and winked at me,

"I prefer the body part."

I grinned at my sister, relishing in her playful side that had been buried for so long.

"So do I."

Lexa and I broke away from each other and I walked over to her rugs on the floor. I crawled under a few of them, sighing against their soft furs.

"Do you mind if I stay here for the night?"

Lexa looked at me strangely,

"Where else would you stay?"

I shrugged my shoulders at her,

"I don't know you might want your privacy."

Lexa raised her perfectly arched brows at me,

"Who wants for privacy when they have longed for company?"

I felt my heart collapse at that simple but true statement and shuffled over in her fur-bed.

"Mochof, sis."

Lexa mumbled her appreciation before taking off her boots, de-weaponising herself and scooting under the furs. I moved along to make room for her and grasped her hand in between our bodies. I stared into her eyes until my eye lids began to drop and the land of sleep beckoned me fully.

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