Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

“Is there food around?” Niall shouted from the kitchen.

“Ni! Get in here!” Liam shouted. We were all gathered in the front room of Louis’s place—well all except for Niall, who no doubt had his face in the fridge. I groaned. Louis was practically wetting his pants with impatience, and if Niall didn’t get in here right now, I would have to find Lou a new pair of boxers. I grimaced.

“Coming!” Niall said, his voice muffled by the amount of Doritos in his mouth. How did that boy not weigh a ton?

Finally!” Louis gushed and tore open is first present. It was from Liam; just looking at the excitement in his eyes made him look like he was nine again.

By the time every present was opened, the room was a mess; wrapping paper and ribbons and tissue paper everywhere. “Thanks you guys!” Louis grinned, and gave everyone a bear hug. “Best birthday ever!” He fist pumped the air.

Harry laughed. “I thought the best birthday was your 21st, when we were in L.A. and you got so drunk you couldn’t walk.”

Louis nodded and grinned. “That was bloody amazing though.”

“I’m off, lads.” Zayn poked his head in the room. “It’s Christmas Eve.”

I completely forgot. “Harry! It’s Christmas Eve!” I repeated.

He smiled. “That’s right.”

“SANTA!” Louis screamed.

“We better take off, too.” Liam said as he and Dani put on their coats.

“Happy Birthday, Lou,” Zayn called before leaving, Liam and Dani soon followed.

“You know us Irish folk, we need our beauty sleep.” Niall yawned. I giggled.

“See you tomorrow, Nialler.” I waved and then the Irish boy walked out the door.

Behind me, Harry slipped his arms around my waist and rested his chin of my shoulder, nuzzling his nose in my hair. “We should get going too.” He murmured and kissed my neck.

“I DON’T KNOW ABOUT YOU, BUT I’M FEELIN’ 22!” Louis screamed from somewhere upstairs.

I laughed. “Okay.” After saying goodbye to Louis, we headed over to Harry’s place. I basically lived there when I wasn’t at school. I saw my parents whenever I could, but they didn’t mind at all when I was with Harry.

He jingled the keys as he opened the door, and as soon as I stepped inside, I was slammed up against the door. Harry’s body was pressed against mine, leaving me no room to move. His head dipped down into the crook of my neck and left light kisses as his hands held me by my thighs. “H-Harry.” I stuttered, and I felt him chuckle deeply against my skin.

“Yes?” he mumbled, hands holding my waist to his.

I only gulped in response. My knees wobbled and I held onto Harry’s neck for support. “You know that if we go there it’ll be hard to stop…”

“I know.” He smirked, tongue slowly grazing my jawline.

Was I ready for this? The last time I tried to seduce Harry into giving him my virginity, I was drunk. I trusted Harry more than anyone in the entire world, but I had given no one—no one that part of me. It was a big deal to me. It symbolized everything. However, I wasn’t someone who waited until marriage; everyone had temptations, and they had to give into them eventually. Right?

“You’re so…cute.” I smiled and ran a hand through is hair.

His head snapped up, eyebrows rose. “Cute? After what I was just doing, you called that cute?” He placed a hand to his heart dramatically. “My manliness is wounded greatly.”

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