Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

“Louis…Louiiiis?” I called softly as I climbed the stairs that afternoon. Everyone was on the beach, and I had joined them after the talk with Liam. Louis hadn’t come downstairs all day, only leaving his room to go to the bathroom.

I carried a sandwich in my hand, bringing him lunch, since he hadn’t eaten all day. “What?” he mumbled from behind the door.

“I brought you lunch.” I said, and opened his door. At first I couldn’t see him, but then I noticed the lump under the covers. I walked over, put the sandwich on the bedside table, and poked him. He didn’t move. “Louis, we’re leaving in two days.”

That got his attention. “What?” he poked his head out. Bags rested under his eyes, which were rimmed with red from the crying that he did. I felt bad for him.

“I talked with Liam, and we’re leaving on Saturday.” I told him.

“Thanks,” he mumbled, and then disappeared from view again, pulling the covers past his head again.

“Louis Tomlinson, when was the last time you ate?”

“Not hungry.” He grumbled.

“Eat, now. You have got to take care of yourself.” I commanded, and then left the room. Behind me I heard something along the lines of “yes mom,” and then the shifted of the bed. I smiled to myself and returned to the beach.


In the blink of an eye, Saturday had come, and I was packing my bags, getting one last look at the sun shining on the water. I sighed, and jumped when there was a knock on my door.

“Sorry,” Harry grinned, and came up behind me to wrap his arms around my waist and rest his chin on my shoulder. “Afternoon, beautiful.” He pressed his lips to my cheek.

I giggled. “Afternoon, cutie,” I laughed, and wiggled out of his grip to finish zipping up my suitcase. “I don’t wanna leave,” I pouted.

“Me either, but we’ve been here for 10 days, and Louis isn’t doing so well.” He brushed a few curls away from his face. I came over and kissed him lightly, but he held the back of my neck and deepened the kiss. I just about melted into his arms as I gripped his shirt and pulled him closer to me. He moaned against my lips, and I giggled, giving him a chance to slip his tongue in my mouth.

“You guys about read-oh! Sorry!” a voice stammered, and I turned to see a very embarrassed-looking Zayn. He scratched the back of his neck, something he did when he was uncomfortable. “The car’s ready outside.” He said before leaving.

I laughed and grabbed my bag off the bed. “I’m ready.”

“Let’s go then, Harry smiled, and held out his hand. I took it, and we walked down the stairs and out the door, but not before stealing one last glance at the house.

Outside, Danielle and Sam were deep in discussion, like they always were, and Niall, Zayn, and Louis were already in the car. Louis had his head against the window. Liam was putting the bags in the trunk, and Harry and I slid in.

“Let’s go.” Harry said to the driver, and off we went.

I didn’t know why, but Sam, Liam and Danielle wanted a separate car. They had become extremely close, but I didn’t mind, it just meant a less crowded vehicle and more time with Harry.

“Can you turn on the radio please?” I asked, and the driver did. I instantly knew the song as ‘Last Kiss Goodbye’ by Hinder.

It’s calming down outside, another lonely night,

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