Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Tears stung my eyes as I threw random clothing articles in a duffel bag, not paying attention to the contents. There was no way I was staying there. How could they say something like that? They didn’t know about us. I wasn’t going to stay with Harry. Not after what he did earlier. I knew he didn’t mean to freak me out, but I needed a break from what had happened two years ago. Even Harry kept reminding me, if it was intentional or not. I could only think of one place to go, and I hadn’t been there in a long time.      

Andy’s house. Andy was my best friend before the accident, before I had my scar. He was always there for me. My parents adored him, thought of him as a son almost. They had wanted us to be together, but I didn’t see it. I could only think of him as a best friend, a brother.

After what happened I had moved. Not to another country, but a few towns over. We wanted to get away from Owen, but we were not willing to leave the country. I hadn’t heard from Owen since then, fortunately.

I hadn’t seen Andy in two years, and we about a month or so after it happened. He had been there for me through it all, always by my side. I could never repay him for what he did for me. Actually, I was surprised he hadn’t tried to contact me after all this time. We had been stuck like glue all through our childhood, and then I just left. I felt terrible, like I just checked out of his life in an instant. And I did, in a sense. I wondered if he thought of me.

Downstairs, my parents were waiting for me. I wiped away the tears that were flowing like rivers down my cheeks.

“Amabel! Wait!” My mom called me, but I ignored her.

“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” My dad shouted.

I turned to him, anger rushing through my body. “A friend’s okay? Not Harry’s place, if that’s what you were wondering, so don’t even bother going to his house.” I snapped, and then ran out the door. I stomped through the snow and to my car, where I didn’t give the house a second look. I had lied to my parents. I was going to stay with Harry. Not for long though, only a day or so, then I was going to Andy’s. I wasn’t planning on telling Harry, not a chance.

While I was driving, I was careful of the snow that had slightly begun to fall. Within a few minutes, I pulled up to Harry’s and was in front of his door. When he opened it, I couldn’t help but smile at the sight of his curls askew.

“Hey babe!” he smiled. “What are you doing here?” He seemed happy to see me, but I remembered why I came. My smile disappeared, and tears stung my eyes. Harry’s face changed in a second, his eyebrows coming together in concern. “What’s wrong?” He reached for me, and I buried my face in his chest.   

“M-my parents don’t want u-us to be t-together,” I blubbered, unable to control the tears from escaping. I was so angry, confused, and I didn’t know what I needed.

Harry rested his chin on my head and stroked my hair softly while holding me close. “Shh, baby it’s okay.” He soothed and walked me inside, closing the door behind him.

We walked up to his bedroom and lay down. On top of the covers, I cuddled against Harry’s warm, hard chest and sobbed. He didn’t say anything; he just let me calm down. I was grateful for that; I wasn’t ready to talk about the conversation I had had with my parents. I felt so comfortable there in Harry’s arms as he held me. While we lay there, I was expecting my dad to be pounding on Harry’s door, demanding that he talk to me. I imagined myself cowering behind Harry’s tall, lean body as my dad tried to take me away. I shuddered at the thought.

I could move out if I wanted to. I was eighteen, and was only staying with my parents until I moved on to college. In case you were wondering, yes, I had gone back to school, and saw Harry as often as I could. It was Saturday, and I didn’t care if I missed school next week.

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