Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

"Harry. Don't please!" I wailed to the curly-haired boy, who threatened to tackle me in the water. It was pretty cold, and I didn't want to freeze.

"Come on! What are you afraid of? It's just water!" he asked.

"Um, freezing to death," I gulped, "and um, dying."

Harry laughed. "Water isn't scary!"

"I don't know man. I don't like it very much either." Zayn said nervously.

"I'm not afraid of the water, Harry." I folded my arms across my chest. "I just don't want to get wet."

"Zayn's just a baby." Niall sniggered.

"I am not!" the black-haired boy protested.

"What twenty year-old is afraid of water?" Sam joked, and everyone laughed.

Zayn just pouted and sat at the edge of the water. Well someone was moody. Then again, Zayn always was.

"SURPRISE ATTACK!" Harry screamed, and tackled me into the water. I screamed, and held on to him for dear life.

"HAROLD!" I bellowed when I broke the surface of the water. I was freezing, my teeth chattering and my skin forming goose bumps.

Harry just tilted his head back and laughed dimples visible from a mile away. He looked so cute with his hair flopping over his eyes and dripping wet. His lips were a dark pink thanks to the cold water.

"Water's not so much fun is it?" Zayn snapped from the sand.

"Twat," Liam muttered.

"Louis! Stop it!" Eleanor screamed at her boyfriend. He had splashed her when she told him she didn't want to get wet, but being Louis Tomlinson, he had to. She seemed pretty angry despite the smile playing at her lips.

The sun was setting, leaving us floating in the water. Leaving here wouldn't be easy. It felt like a place where anything happen. Speaking of that, Sam had never told me what had happened when she and Niall went up to the house that one time alone.

"Sam? Can I talk to you?" I asked, and started for the beach. "Dani and El, come with?"

"Uh, sure?" she muttered and followed me.

"So," I began and made sure that no one could hear us. "Did you ask Niall?"

Sam immediately flushed and stared at the ground, her toes becoming interesting. "Um, yeah." She drew random shapes in the sand with her feet.


"He said yes!" she grinned and started jumping up and down.

"Oh my god, so are you two like, official?" I asked, and I was so happy for her that I couldn't stand still. She had had a crush on Niall for the longest time.

"Not yet. We aren't going to go public yet, either. Niall is most likely telling the lads right now." When we looked over to the water, Sam was right. The boys were all talking excitedly in a tight circle, and occasionally one of them would look over here. I flashed Harry a smile, one that he returned.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Eleanor squealed, and gave Sam a hug, and then Dani and I joined in too. Now all four of were dating someone from One Direction.

"Welcome to the Official One Direction girlfriend club." said Danielle.

"The what?" Sam cocked her head to one side.

"The girlfriend club!" El exclaimed. "All of us are best friends, and nothing could separate us. Most of the time we go to the boy's gigs and concerts together."

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