Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

*5 months later*

It was really hot outside. It was June, and I was on the beach. Down in the water were five boys, but the one with curly hair caught my attention over the rest. I smiled at them tackling each other and cussing, and then laid back down on my towel.

We were at Liam’s beach house. His family obviously could afford one, and for the start of summer he invited us for a week or two. Danielle and Eleanor were here, too. It was really nice not being the only girl in the equation. Sam is here, too. Sometimes you just need someone who understands how terrible your period really is. When I complain when it’s that time of month, the boys cower away like I’m carrying polio.

I had kept in contact with Andy, and it was amazing having him as a close friend again.

Suddenly a dripping wet Harry was straddling my lap, the freezing water getting all over me.

“Harry!” I screamed and tried to throw him off me, but he was way too strong. His long fingers tickled my sides, and tears formed in my eyes as I struggled for breath. “Get, off, me!” I gasped, and eventually he did and pulled me to my feet. He was laughing too, his dimples prominent. I poked one, and he brushed his curls out of his face since they were sticking to his skin. “I hate you.” I smacked his arm and turned away.

“Don’t lie babe,” He teased, and threw me over his shoulder.

“Harry!” I protested, but there was a smile on my face. Harry didn’t even flinch when I kicked and pounded fists onto his back. He just laughed and led us to the water. “No! Harry, please!”

“It isn’t that bad, Amabel.” He scoffed.

“But it’s cold!” I protested.

“Come on, Amabel! Don’t be a baby!” Zayn yelled from the water. He was going to die.

Harry threw me in the water, and it was freezing. Harry and the boys just laughed at me. I sputtered and stood up. The water came up to my mid thighs. “I’m going to kill you!” I ran after Harry, but he tipped his head back laughing. I lunged for him, but missed. Instead, he stepped out of the way, but caught me by the waist before I hit the water.

He twirled me around a couple of times before setting me on my feet and spun me so I faced him. I tried to hide my smile as he grinned at me, but I failed. Instead, I stood on the balls of my feet and kissed him. I snaked my arms around his neck while he held my waist.

“EW! GROSS! NO PDA!” Louis screeched. Harry chuckled and pulled away. “Stop trying to make babies!”

“We’re not making babies, Lou.” I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

“Still, it’s gross.”

“You have a girlfriend!” Zayn said.

“At least I don’t try to make babies with Eleanor in public.” He crossed his arms and pouted.

Liam smacked him upside the head. “Idiot.”

“Let them kiss if they want to, Boo.” El chirped, who had joined us in the water, with Danielle on her heels. Louis’s blue eyes lit up when he saw El, and she kissed his cheek. Liam threw an arm over Danielle when she was at his side. They were both adorable couples.

Harry gave Louis a smug look. “See? El thinks it’s okay! I think I love her more than you!”

Louis’s eyes went wide. “What Haz?” He faked a hurt expression and buried his face in Eleanor’s shoulder and cried fake tears. The other boys and I laughed; they were always having these dramatic conversations.

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