Epilogue ~ Harry's P.O.V.

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Epilogue ~ Harry's P.O.V.

*the epilogue of this story takes place during chapter 10 of Humane, the second book in my One Direction series.*

“Babe?” I call to Amabel when I walk in the door.

Can I just say how happy I am? Never thought I would say that, since I was so miserable and tired of being alone before I met her, but now I feel like I can do anything.

“Yes, I’m here,” she replies and walks into the room, looking stunningly gorgeous, as always.

I still can’t believe she came back to me. I would have rather die than loose her, and now that I have her back in my arms once again, I never plan on letting her go. We both made mistakes in this relationship, but it’s something we can both get through because we have each other and we’re made for one another. I refuse to believe anyone who says we’re got good together. I guess they’re right though—Amabel is too good for me. I don’t deserve her, but despite what the fans say—some are wonderful but others are just rude and that really pisses me off—she says that she’s going to love me unconditionally no matter what. When she said that I tried not to jump up and down with happiness.

Fuck, I love her so much. She makes me insane, but at the same time she makes me happier than I ever thought possible. Even when we fight—God knows we do that—I try to hide my smile because I love the way she tugs at her hair when she’s frustrated. I love the way she sticks her tongue out of her mouth slightly when she’s concentrating on something. She’s incredibly witty and the most sarcastic person I know. She makes me absolutely crazy, but I love her more than breathing.

“Hi,” I say, grinning like an idiot as she walks into my arms. I plant a soft kiss on her lips and smile into her blue eyes. That’s one of the many things I love about her; her eyes. And the way she says my name. She’s from England, like I am, but something about the way my name falls from her lips stirs something inside me.

“Did you want to grab some coffee?” Amabel asks and grabs my hand.

“Only if you come with me.”

“Of course I’m coming, silly. That’s why I asked.” She swats at my arm and I stop her, taking her hand in mine and kissing the back of her hand. She flushes. Even after almost a year and a half of being together, she still blushes all the time.

We drive to the coffee shop, and when we get there, being the amazing girlfriend that she is, Amabel orders our drinks and I look for a spot to sit, hopefully by the heater. Amabel is always complaining about how much she hates the cold, and that if we’re out someplace, it “shouldn’t be this cold.” I’m surprised when I run into Parker, the girl that Liam’s taken quite an interest in.

She’s all over the news, and Liam saw her at the concert before our break started. I can tell the Wolverhampton boy hasn’t stopped thinking about her, and I told the other lads not to say anything to him. “Parker?”

“H-Hey Harry.” She stutters.

I look around and see no one is with her. “Are you here alone?”

She shook her head, telling me she was. “Yeah. How’s it going?”

“Amazing,” I answered truthfully. Amabel appeared behind me then, taking my hand.

“Hi, I’m Amabel, Harry’s girlfriend.” She smiled, clutching my hand even tighter.            

“I know who you are!” Parker flushed, and stood up to shake Amabel’s hand. “You guys are so cute together. Sorry.”

I laughed. It was highly amusing to see her with wide eyes. “It’s fine. Want to come and sit with us?”

“Oh no,” she declined. “You guys are probably on a date and I don’t want to intrude—”

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