Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 

Harry held my hand. "I think we should go to bed." He said, his voice barely above a whisper as he pulled me to my feet. 

A weak smile crossed my lips. I could only nod my head. I was exhausted. 

I have everyone a hug, and received comforting and kind words from the people around me. Stumbling up the stairs, Harry grabbed my hand again, and I loved the way his rough, but at the same time caring, skin felt against my own. 

The door to Harry's room swung open, revealing a large room with navy blue walls. And books. A lot of books. I ran my fingers along the bookshelves and dressers, lamps and night stands, studying every inch of his room. 

Harry just stood there watching me while leaning on the door frame, a smirk on his perfect lips.

A smile formed on my face when I noticed something on his bookshelf. "Twilight?" I laughed, looking over my shoulder at the boy behind me. 

His smile grew, and he allowed me to see his dimples that I loved so much. "They were my sister's, and she didn't want them anymore." Harry protested, biting his lower lip.

"Whatever you say..." I laughed and walked over to him. It was silent for a few moments.

"So I was thinking," Harry murmured softly, while lightly trailing his fingers up and down my arm, "you could sleep with me tonight?"

I smiled shyly as my cheeks turned red, and a seductive smirk returned to his lips. Just to tease him, I grabbed his shoulders and pressed his body to me, and seductively hooked my right finger on the collar of his shirt. I kissed his lips, but only for a second.

A throaty moan escaped his lips and I brought my lips to his ear. "Just keep your hands to yourself." 

He stepped away with a faked hurt expression on his face. I poked the place where his left dimple would be, if I could see them. Harry smiled then and pecked me on the cheek. I watched him as he strolled over to his dresser and pulled out a gray t-shirt for me to wear. I took it, and looked around nervously.

Harry released a throaty chuckle. "What, are you too nervous to change in front of me?" He teased, and I blushed.

Harry hadn't seen me naked, but I had changed in front of him before. Nothing had happened though. 

"No!" I snapped, but smiled anyway. 

I could feel Harry watching me as I pulled my jeans off, dropping them to the floor. I was wearing white underwear; I didn't like anything too slutty. Suddenly extremely self conscious, I snuck a glance at Harry, who was staring at me intensely. I bit my lower lip. 

"You're beautiful, you know." He said softly while meeting my gaze. 

"So are you." I said back, while wiggling my toes. He licked his lips, but didn't come any closer. He knew my boundaries. I slowly slipped my shirt off, revealing a black lace bra. It wasn't seeing through, but it didn't cover up completely, either. 

I bit my lip, and looked at Harry again, who his green eyes had set on me. When his eyes swept my figure, I couldn't help but get butterflies in my stomach. Harry's chest was rising and falling quickly, and I knew it was hard for him not to touch me, but I just wasn't ready. 

"I'll be in the bathroom." I said, and kissed his cheek before leaving the room. 

I closed the door behind me, and put on the shirt Harry had given me. It stopped mid-thigh. I smiled as I breathed in the scent of his clothing. 

Harry had such a big effect on me, I knew I liked more than I should have. We were happy together, and I had never felt like this towards someone, I didn't think it was possible. 

My previous relationships and been quite physical, and I guess you could say I didn't truly love them, and I didn't really know how to react to the way Harry treated me. I didn't know what it felt like to be loved by someone so amazing. 

He flashed me his crooked smile. I flushed. "You look cute in my clothes." He said as I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. 

In Harry's bathroom, I washed my face and ran my fingers though my hair. When I came back to Harry's room, he was on top of the duvet in just his gray boxers, making my cheeks flush and my stomach flutter with butterflies. He was truly beautiful. The way his eyelashes fanned out on his cheeks when he slept, the way his dimples showed themselves when he smiled. I couldn't believe I was able to call him mine.


Please don't hate me for this horrible chapter! :(

I know, you couldn't hate me cause I updated an extra chapter! (: I was really bored and I was feeling nice. So, enjoy this! 


*clears throat* Sorry about my outburst. It's just the best show on TV is all so.. yeah.



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