Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

When I woke, I had the worst possible hangover. I squinted my eyes as I sat up, and covered my hand with my mouth. I ran to the bathroom and threw up what was left in my stomach. After rinsing my mouth with mouthwash and brushing my teeth, twice, I tried to brush through my hair. That was impossible, so I put it in a bun. I washed my face too, since I probably looked like a zombie.

Stripping out of my clothes that I slept in, I pulled on sweatpants and a tank top. After breakfast, I was going to shower. And then the memories of last night came rushing back, and how Harry rejected me. It was still really fuzzy, but I remember a little part of it. I didn't want to go downstairs anymore, but my stomach was growling, and I needed something to help my hangover, so I groaned and went to the kitchen.

Everyone was there. The people that hadn't drunk -Liam, Danielle, Eleanor and Harry- were happily chatting over tea. Zayn, Niall and Louis were moaning and groaning with mugs of coffee in front of them. They looked like they had gotten hit by a bus, and I guess I looked the same.

"Morning." I moaned and poured myself some coffee, avoiding Harry's gaze.

"Hi!" Danielle chirped.

"OW! Can you keep it down? I like inside voices!" Louis snapped.

I winced and nodded. "Hangover's a bitch." I sat down next to Zayn, who grimaced.

"You smell." He complained, and I whacked his arm.

"So do you!" I threw back, and popped an Advil in my mouth.

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear as I heard Niall complaining about food, but not being able to keep it down. Speaking of food, I needed some. I dragged my feet over to the stove and quickly made scrambled eggs. As I was turning the flame off, I felt someone behind me. When I turned, I bumped into a tall and firm figure. Looking up, curly brown hair is the first thing I see, and then green eyes. I gulped.

"You okay?" he asked softly.

"Fine," I told him, looking at the ground, "Just have a really bad headache." I forced a smile and side-stepped him. After taking my place next to Louis at the table, I decided to engage in conversation. Turns out, Liam and Eleanor were already having one.

"I was thinking the commons...?" El suggested.

"We're going out today?" I asked. As bad as the hangover was, I tried to make the best of it.

"Yeah, we were thinking of going to the shops this afternoon." Liam informed me.

"I'm up for it!" I popped some egg into my mouth and swallowed.

Beside me, Louis held his face in his hands and groaned. "How could you possibly want to go outside? The sun is too bloody bright and people are too loud." His voice was muffled.

Eleanor patted his head and kissed his nose. "Cheer up, Lou."

"You know I'm trying."

I turned to Liam, who had Danielle's hand in his. "When are we going?"

"Is 12:30 okay for everyone?"

It was 11:45 now. "Sure." I nodded and finished my eggs in a few bites. "I'm going to shower." I jumped up and put my dishes in the sink. Harry hadn't moved from where I left him, and grabbed my wrist as soon as I turned to the stairs.

"We're talking about this later." He said quietly.

My lips formed a straight line and I nodded once, and then ran to the bathroom, where I immediately started the water. I pulled off my clothes and examined my body. Since we had arrived here, I had gotten tan. I was lucky; I tanned easily. But part of me didn't: my scar. When I got tan, the skin didn't change. It was more obvious, the white line from my jaw line to my collarbone. It wasn't big, but at first glance you would know it was there. It was really strange, to be honest. The more time I spent with Harry, the less and less I thought about it. Before I had met him, it was all I thought about. I didn't want anyone looking at me in fear they would see it and ask me. Obviously, I didn't want to tell them.

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