Chapter 25: Couldn't you believe how many times I've heard that?

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This is dedicated to my super fan taytay102! 
She really wanted this part, so here it is (: if you wanna be in the story, just comment ! -Sophia xx
*Before concert*
(Kaitlyn's P.O.V)
"He-he-he what? I can't believe this. Was everything Cody said to me a lie?" I stuttered, not believing what I was just told.
"I'm so sorry Kaitlyn. I just thought you deserved to know." Demi said and gave me a hug. I wiped away the tears that were falling.
"Don't cry please! Jess is almost done her set and we can't have you crying right now. Just get up there, and let your anger out through one of Taylor Swift's songs. The band should know them." Olivia gave me another hug and I had to head up on stage.

"SAN FRANSISCO! How's everybody tonight?" I asked the audience and they cheered in response.
"Aight then. I thought we'd start off with something different tonight," I looked over at where Cody was sitting, giving off the same confused look as everybody else, "I recently found out something about a certain someone that I loved with all my heart and soul. And I can't believe that they would do something like that to me. So this goes out to you babe." I looked over at the band and they started playing the opening notes of the song.

"It's strange to think the songs we used to sing,
The smiles, the flowers, everything: is gone
Yesterday I found out about you, even now just looking at you: feels wrong
You say that you'd take it all back, given one chance
It was a moment of weakness and you said yes...
" I sang and looked over at Cody's expression. He knows that I know. He does. Its the shocked/horrified look on his face.

"You should've said no, you should've gone home
You should've thought twice before you let it all go
You should've know that word, 'bout what you did with her, would get back to me...
And I should've been there, in the back of your mind
I shouldn't be asking myself why
You shouldn't be begging for forgiveness at my feet...
You should've said no, baby and you might still have me..."

(Cody's P.O.V)
I can't believe it. How did she find out? How? I've been hiding it too well...Demi. Demi. She looked through my phone and saw the messages. I thought Demi was a friend. But, well, she IS like Kaitlyn's older sister. Ahhh, I'm so stupid. What have I done? I'm an idiot. I just lost the girl I love. And I caused it.

*After the concert* 
I caught up with Kaitlyn after the concert. She was sitting in the stadium seats, waiting for Demi, Jessica and Olivia.
"Oh no we don't. I think the song said enough for the both of us." She said, not looking up from who ever she was texting on her iPhone.
"Couldn't you just hear me out?"
"Couldn't you believe how many times I've heard that?" Kaitlyn hissed and I moved back a little.
"Fine. Be that way. But I was just gonna say that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all the pain I've just caused you. I'm sorry for taking you for granted and paying more attention to Bella. I'm sorry for everything. Just hope that you could remember that." I started to walk away but then Kaitlyn put her hand on my shoulder.
"Cody. I-I-I know you're sorry. I just couldn't believe that you would hurt me this bad. I'm shocked. I pretty much canceled tons of things to be with you. And people told me that it was a bad idea. But I ignored them. Look where we are. I'm on the verge of tears and my heart is breaking. While you're just-well, I don't know. I don't know what your feeling or what's going on with you right now. I just need some time to think. Okay?" I was surprised. Well, I wasn't exactly hoping for her to take me back.  All I did was walk away, out of the building and onto the tourbus.

(Kaitlyn's P.O.V)
My heart=shattered into a bazillion pieces. I just couldn't believe it. Luckily, I have the greatest friends in the world, who weretrying to get him off my mind-which isn't working, as long as he's on the bus. Thank God for phones because mine just rang.
"Hey Hey! Kaitlyn Bieber speaking."
"Hey Hey! Justin Bieber speaking."
"Justin!" I exclaimed, a smile growing on my face-I really miss my brother.
"Kaitlyn! I heard the news. Are you okay?"
"Well word travels fast. And no, I'm not okay. Can't you hear my heart shattering?" I asked, climbing onto my bed-as did Jess, Oli, and Dems.
"Awwh. Where's Cody?! I'm gonna break his face!!"
"Justin, that's not appropriate. And he's still on the bus."
"Can we not talk about this now? I'm really tired and I need to sleep. Love you bro."
"Fine. Love you too sis." 

My life as Justin Bieber's little sister (By ME, Kaitlyn Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now