Chapter 7: Time for the tour :D

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*Still at the signing*
(Alexis' P.O.V)
I was 3 people away from actually getting Justin Bieber's autograph. My mom drove me down all the way from Kanata (10 hours) just to do this.
"Hi there shawty. What's your name?" Justin asked, then I realized I was at the front.
"My name's Alexis...but a lot of people call me Alex." I said, handing him the My World CD.
"Wow, Alexis...that's a beautiful name." Justin said, bt I wasn't concentrating and I could tell that he kind of forgot how to spell his name.
"Don't mind Justin. He kind of has a crush on you. Even though he's only known you for 10 seconds. This doesn't happen a lot, so yeah. Just don't mind it." his sister-Kaitlyn-said and I nodded my head.

After Justin had given back the CD, I realized that he had put his phone least, I THINK it was his phone number. Then-weirdly enough-my phone rang, the Caller ID was an unknown number.

(A= Alexis J=Justin)
 A: Hello? Who is this?
J: Umm...Its Justin Bieber.
A: OH MY GOD! *screams excitedly*
J: Aye! Screaming a little loud aren't we?
A: Oh, I'm so sorry! I just got a little excited.
J: That's okay. Umm, can I ask you something?
A: Sure. What is it?
J: Well, my sister Kaitlyn is pretty much the only teenage girl on tour and I was wondering if you wanted to join us?
A: OH MY FREAKING GOD ARE YOU SERIOUS?!??! I mean, I would love to! Umm, what hotel are you guys staying at?
J: The Hilton. I'll meet you there. Just walk in to the lobby and look for a bright blue hoodie. Just check with your mom to see if its 'aight! Bye!
A: Bye!

OH.MY.GOD. I can't believe I'm gonna go ON TOUR with JUSTIN FLIPPIN' BIEBER! I think I might pass out. Luckily, my mom came with the car.
"Hey mom. Is it okay if I go on tour with Justin Bieber?"

*Hotel Lobby*
(Justin's P.O.V)
I was in the lobby of the Hilton hotel. I was waiting to see what Alexis' mom said about the tour.

Alexis: JUSTIN! I can go! My mom weirdly and somehow thought that this might happen! 
Justin: ALEX! That's AWESOME! I can't wait to see you :)
Alexis: You're wait's over...turn around.

I turned around and saw Alexis standing there. I wrapped my arms around her and she wrapped her arms around me.  I could see the bright flashes off of paparazzi cameras from outside.

"Alex, follow me! We're heading out on tour OFFICIALLY tonight. Me, you, Kaitlyn, my mom, Scooter and Kenny are all on one bus. Everyone else is spread out, so I have NO idea what bus they're on." I said, and lead her to where the buses were parked.

*Outside the tour buses*
(Kaitlyn's P.O.V)
I was waiting for Alexis and Justin to get on the tour bus. We had five minutes until we leave and they luckily came just in time.
"You guys are here! FINALLY! Oh Alexis, Scooter and Justin have something to ask you. So I'll help you get settled and then head to the bus living room. 'Aight?" I asked and she nodded her, confused. 

Once we got inside the tour bus, Justin went straight to Scooter's room to get him and I showed Alexis her room.
"Luckily we had this room left, so Justin invited you. And he thought you might like this room." I  opened the door and watched her jaw drop open as she saw the bieberfied room.
"Justin told me that there was a present for you left in here, so I'll come back once you've found  and enjoyed the present a little." I said and she put her bags down and started looking for the present.

(Alexis' P.O.V)
I still couldn't believe I was on tour with THE Justin Bieber. And now there's a present?!?! I searched every single inch of the room, but couldn't find any present. Then finally, I saw a little purple box with a white bow sitting underneath my bed.
"AH HA!" I exclaimed and sat on the top of my bed as soon as Justin opened the door and came in.
"So I guess you found your present." He laughed and sat down next to me.
"Yeah I did. Just before you came in." I said as I opened the box and then stared at it in awe.
"Justin...its...Oh my god." I said, as he took out the necklace.
"Do you want me to put it on you?" He asked and I nodded my head yes. 

My life as Justin Bieber's little sister (By ME, Kaitlyn Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now