Chapter 5: Hani! I'm coming!

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This weekend the host club is taking a break from all work and school and club activities to spend a day at one of Kyouya's family's resorts. I personally am afraid of most bugs and do not look forward to this trip whatsoever. Finally,  we got there and Haruhi was basking in the glory of a resort.

"Last time I checked Japan wasnt known for tropical forests" she stated.

"Amazing what props can do right?" I laughed.

"Bask in the glory of the birds! Arent they breath taking?" Tamaki smiled.

"Where is the exit again?" Haruhi groaned.

"Yeah! You guys didn't even let me bring my books" I pouted.

"Get your nose out of the novels and swim around! Get a tan! Play outside! Do something else geez!" Hikaru laughed. Recently the arranged marriage was postponed due to the little incident with Rengee.

"But I have to study!" Haruhi and I harmonized. I turned to her and we both laughed. We've been doing this alot lately. I still remember the day before in the courtyard.Haruhi and I were walking to our apartments to be stopped by Hikaru, Kaoru and Mori-senpai.

"Target" Kaoru began.

"Captured!" Hikaru finished as they took her arms.

"Yeah" Mori said straight faced as he slung me over his shoulder. They turned and faced a limo with Tamaki inside.

"Good work! Now take them with you~" he ordered.

"Roger!" they both laughed. Mori nodded his head as the limo disappeared from site.

"Where are we going!" Haruhi demanded.

"This is child abuse! Put me down! I must study!" I screamed. And thats how we got here.

"The Ootori family has always had a concern for the good health and well being of the public" Kyouya smiled radiantly.

"Hina-chan! Do you want to try the mango cake with me???" Hani pleaded.

"Sure!" I smiled messing up his hair. I always thought of Hani as a little brother.

"Why are you wearing shorts and a teeshirt?" Kaoru glared.

"And whats with the polo?!" Hikaru pestered. Haruhi and I looked around and were surrounded by four maids.

"Ahhh!" We both screamed as we attempted to run in different directions. We were stopped by four hands and dragged into different changing rooms.

"Dont worry! We brought all of our mothers latest designs for you to chose from!" they harmonized outside of the door. I felt my shorts pulled off along with almost all of my garments.

"Hey! Hands off" I glared.

"We have been instructed to get you a swim suit!" the twin dressers smiled. "Now pick one or we'll pick for you~" they winked.

"Ugh!" I groaned. They showed me just about a hundred different swimsuits including a string bikini, before we settled on the white one that exposes my sides, with a red hibiscus flower on the top. Only downside is white makes my features look much bigger than they really are. I walked out of the changing room and saw an awaiting Kyouya. He covered his mouth with his hand and looked completely pink.

"That's a umm very nice swimsuit Hina" he blushed.

"Thank you senpai!" I smiled letting my hair down. Hani ran and climbed up my side holding a necklace of red flowers. He slipped it over my neck and smiled.

"Now we match!" he squealed.

"Sure do" I said poking his nose. I noticed Mori standing awfully close with a small smile. It was a genuine smile, radiant and more beautiful than any I had ever seen.

Seven Days And Seven Nights~ OHSHC Love Story (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang