Chapter 8: First Day Of Hosting

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"Why on earth would you want to be a host?" Kyouya grumbled.

"Because you guys seem to have alot of fun! I just wanted a piece of that" I frowned. We walked down the long hallway to the huge white doors. I opened them quickly. Crap I was late, and on the first day of work too.

"You're late Hina!" Tamaki scolded "One more time and you have to deal with Kyouya's punishment terms!"

"And we all know what happens then" Hikaru and Kaoru shivered.

"I dont wanna know guys" I laughed.

'Come here so we can put the wrap on!" Hikaru and Kaoru whined. I followed them into the changing room and they tore my shirt off.

"What's the big idea!?" I screamed covering myself.

"Just hold still" they snickered. "And lift those arms over your head!" I did as I was told and watched as they wrapped this weird thing around me. Then they put a tight corset type of thing around it and when I looked in the mirror, my chest was gone. They put the wrap around my waist and then I was fine. I slipped the new uniform on along with some silver rimmed cat eye glasses. I had dyed the tips of my black wig purple already and slipped it on covering my right eye.

"Looking good Kazuya" Haruhi teased.

"Same to you Fujioka" I laughed. I put in a fake lip ring and was then ready to go. I stepped out of the changing room and was attacked by guests.

"You're the new host!" one exclaimed.

"Kazuya Kobayashi! Hina's twin brother!" the others squealed.

"Sup?" I said in a deep voice.

"eeep!" they all screamed. "Kyouya, Kyouya, Kyouya let me have the first appointment!!"

"Sorry, Princesses Kazuya isn't starting until tomorrow. But you can sign up for an appointment with me' Kyouya smiled.

"No! You make them with me babes. I wanna get to know you before hand" I teased blowing a kiss.

"He's so bad!" the sighed dreamily.

"Wait to go Kazu-chan!" Hanni smiled. "But what type are you?"

"I dont know I guess I didn't think of that yet" I said biting my lip.

"You should be the seductive type. You already made the room faint. But you need a partner" Hikaru and Kaoru puzzled.

"Kyouya" Mori stated bluntly.

"yeah! Kyouya-senpai barely does anything with our guests! You two should work together" Haruhi smiled. She of course already knew I had feelings for Ootori-senpai. She even knew about what happened at the beach in his room.

"If he's up for it" I shrugged. "But what would our little act be?" I watched as Hikaru's smirk streched ear to ear and swallowed hard.

"Hina-senpai, Kyouya should be the masochist, and you the sadist" he snickered.

"That would be funny!" Hanni laughed.

"K-Kyouya?" I said turning to him. He laughed and stopped writting in his book. I watched as he stood and walked up to me.

"Yes master?" he saidwith sad eyes.

"Have you gotten your work done for today yet?" I demanded raising my hand. He nodded his head and bowed to me.

"Of course master, I wouldn't want to upset you again" he blushed kissing my hand.

"You better not" I glared. Wow, this was actually fun.

Seven Days And Seven Nights~ OHSHC Love Story (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant