Chapter 16: Hina The Nurse

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We all sat around the table and Airi spoke about many different, interesting things. He told me and Haruhi about our old friends and how they were doing, which was good thank god.

"So Airi you look good! On any sports teams?" I smiled.

"Soccer" he replied.

"Good, heaven forbid you have an accident" Kyouya muttered.

"Yeah that would be no good" Haruhi laughed.

" So anyways, Hina how have you been?" he grinned.

"Fine, cant complain!" I replied.

'Why does he care, he left you both a long time ago!" Hikaru rolled his eyes. I shot him a menacing glare and averted my eyes back to Airi.

"Just ignore him" I began.

"No dont ignore me! What im saying is true you commoner" Hikaru huffed. I grew aggravated and stood up and looked him dead in the eye.

"Insult my friend one more time and I swear Hikaru" I gritted my teeth.

"Yeah he's just your friend, just like Kyouya and Kaoru and Tamaki and Mori oh yeah everyone's just a friend with you huh? You shouldn't confuse everyone's feelings you should just pick one" he sighed.


That was the noise my hand made as it slapped him right on his ginger little face. How dare he talk to me like if I am a whore. How dare him. He deserved everything he got. He looked up at me from the floor and wiped his lip.

"How dare you! How dare you Hitachiin! HOW....DARE....YOU!"  I screamed. I turned away from everyone and ran straight upstairs and right as I did I crashed into someone.

"Hey watch it!" I glared. I rubbed my head and looked up to see Kaoru, rubbing his forehead.

"Sorry" he groaned. He coughed and his skin wasnt its normal fair tone, it seemed gray. I jumped up and extended my hand to him.

"No I'm sorry Kaoru-Kun, I wasn't paying attention. Are you feeling alright?" I frowned. I helped him up and slung his arm over my shoulder, walking him back into the bedroom and setting him under the covers.

"No, i woke up this morning with a- ACHOO" he sneezed. I laughed and handed him a tissue.

"dont worry, I'll help you get better" I giggled. I skipped into the bathroom and began to wet a small cloth with cold water. I looked outside and watched Haruhi and the gang were leaving. "What's up with that?" I thought. I shrugged it off and returned to my friend's aid. I put it on his forehead and he shivered.

"Thats cold!" he complained as he tossed it off. " Have they left yet?"

"Yes, they just left" I nodded. Wait a second. "What did you do?" I arched an eyebrow.

"Operation Hikaru and Haruhi's first date" he replied. He sat up in the bed and popped his neck. "I know they love each other so i took it upon myself to help them"

"That's very sweet" I smiled and kissed his cheek. 

"Yes, even though I love my brother to death, Im just going to have to let go... How could I be so selfish to think we'd always be inceperable?" he smiled weakly. "I atleast want him to be happy.. Even though no one will stick around for me" he said wiping the tears from his brilliant yellow eyes.

"Kaoru dont say that.." I whispered.

"Its true, no one will stay here with me.. Not even you" he muttered. He looked up at me sadly, and broke my heart with each passing moment. The room filled with a ominous silence to our friendship.

"Kaoru someone will.." I began.

"Its alright Hina, im happy for you and Kyouya! You two deserve all the happiness in the world" he choked.

"Kaoru stop crying please" I begged. The tears glided down my face, all transelucent regrets and sorrows. The forever summer stage I was living in disappeared and turning into a dark trembling cold, that was ruining my new friend and I's relationship. I felt terrible, but I know for a fact he was forced to love me. There's no way in hell he could've meant any of that. He looked down at the floor and hid his face from me, making me feel like a monster. How could I be so cruel to him.

"I love you Hina" he sobbed. He said it over and over again and his body shook and trembled, causing spasms of pain and torture to sneak their way into all that I am, my heart and soul. 

"K-Kaoru... I-I thought you were forced by your mother" I stuttered. He shook his head repeatedly and I took his face in my hands, wiping the tears from his eyes, each one cutting through the fragile part of my brain we call a heart. The part that felt all emotions, that was overflowing in sadness and distress.

"Hina, I loved you since the day we met.. My mother always talked about you fondly and told us all about you. Now maybe to Hikaru it was nothing but to me...." he paused. He bit his lip and looked deeply into my eyes. "I felt like I knew you and I didn't feel so alone anymore Hina"

"K-Kaoru" I sobbed. I hugged him as tight as I possibly could cried into his shoulder. "Th-this whole time I thought... I thought you were only being forced.."

"Not in the least! And now i've lost my brother, and you" he frowned. "Why? I just wanna know what I did.. So maybe I could fix it.. And be alright"

"Kaoru im sorry.." I frowned. " I didnt know!"

"How many times did I have to say it Hina? I said it everytime I could and you never ever believed me.." his voice trailed off.

"Kaoru im just confused! I dont know what I want right now... I do love you, now stop crying!" I blushed. "and for the last time Kyouya and I arent dating!"

"Yet... The cool guy always gets the girl" Kaoru sighed. "But i am still going to try!"

"This girl is different" I smiled and patted his head. "We'll see, just give me time to find myself"

"Well hurry up!" he laughed. A rainstorm brewed outside of the normally sunny island and later returned the gang, with a shooken up Haruhi. I turned to Hikaru and pinched his cheeks.

"Next time you take my little sis out you better not lose her!" I teased.

"I was just... mad" he glared.

"Sorry for hitting you carrot top, I was just... mad" I snickered. He looked up at me and for the first time ever he smiled at me.


Kaoru's POV:

The following morning we reported to Ouran bright and early to start the next semester. I watched from a distance as Hikaru and Haruhi smiled and laughed together. I froze in my tracks and watched as they continued, not even having noticed I had stopped.

"Brother.. We used to be so close..And now.. Its like you've left me alone for her" I thought. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see a smiling "Kazuya" pouting her pink lips.

"Its okay" she smiled radiantly. I grinned and felt my heart swell up.

"Or maybe...  I've left you first" I thought. I took her hand and the warning bell went off, sending us both in a sprint to get inside. Oh Hina Kobayashi... I still have a chance right? I spent all of Math doodling on a paper. Kaoru and Hina Hitachiin, it read in orange. The teacher glared at me and looked at the note, only to roll her eyes and look away.

"blame her for the fact that you're sixth in the class" she hissed. I rolled my eyes ad as soon as the bell rang ran to get out of that hell hole. There she was smiling and waiting at the door of the host club for me. And only me.

"How was math?" she asked.

"The teacher blames you for me failing math" I replied. She blushed and smirked.

"Dreaming about me instead of doing your work Hitachiin?" she teased. I stopped to think before nodding my head. The surrounding crowd gasped before screaming in pure content.

"MOEEEEEEEE!" they squealed. 

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