Chapter 20: Six Days

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Hina strolled into the school, walking up to her favorite red-head. "Hello Kaoru" she smiled kindly, pretending nothing was wrong. She was really shaken up by all of the things that were changing for her so quickly, but she'd never let it show. Just this morning her mother noticed it.

"Sweetie, aren't you going to eat?" her mother blinked.

"Yes, please eat Hina-chan!" Ranka begged.

"I-I'll get something at school" she informed, her nose once again in a book. Her mother stared at her, sipping her own coffee.

"Why are you reading all of a sudden?" she pried. Hina fidgeted and pretended not to hear it, only causing her mother to repeat herself. "Why are you reading all of a sudden?"

"Because I love to read! You should know that mom!" she gave a clearly fake smile. "This book is really good, and I just cant find the heart to put it down"

"I think you couldn't face the present. That's why you picked it up in the first place" her mother stated bluntly. There was a long threatening silence. Hina took deep breaths before daring utter a response.

"I suppose that is true. I'm going to be late. I have to go" Hina mumbled, turning and leaving quickly. And that was how her lovely morning went. Kaoru smiled kindly, noticing her distress.

"Hello Princess. Its nice to see you today" he smiled, holding out his hand. Hina took it gently and walked through the halls, trying to appear nonchalant but deeply hurting on the inside.

"How did you sleep?" he blinked, trying to make conversation. 

"Just fine Kaoru-chan" she forced a smile. The bell rang and she let out a groan.

"Well, guess I'll see you at lunch" he sighed sadly, "Good luck on your finals!"

"Good luck to you too. Do well on your math" she poked his nose. With that being said, she scurried to class through the crowds of carefree students. She walked into her testing room to see her beloved cousin, Karariri. Yet there was no sign of Kyouya. And, to top it off there was another male sitting beside her. Hina speculated what it was that could be going on and deicided to forget about it. 

"Not supposed to be thinking about him anymore" she reminded herself. Karariri pretended not to notice her and looked away.

"Oh Lin, i missed you so much. Japan sucks. I hate being back here" she pouted.

"Yes it does." Lin agreed, "I miss our american schools. You know, the ones we never went to cause we were home-schooled"

"Hey Mr. Hamasaki, May I sit here?" Tamaki blinked, gesturing to the empty seat beside Karariri.

"yeah sure" Lin shrugged, "Doesn't matter to me"

"Well it kinda does to me. I dont feel like talking about it right now Tamaki. Its done, alright? I want nothing to do with you-know-who anymore" Karariri rolled her eyes. Hina's ears perked up as she heard this, and she paid close attention.

"but why Princess, he loves you" Tamaki frowned.

"Dont lie to me" Karariri sighed, "I never liked him anyways. My heart is with Lin" she lied through her teeth. Tamaki let out a heavy sigh and focused his attention on the teacher.

"Alright, you may begin" the teacher announced. With that, both girls sprung into action, their pencils moving at nearly the speed of light thanks to their planning. They only had an hour for about a hundred questions, all on random subjects. Karariri finished first, getting up and handing it to the teacher. She turned and took a step, bumping into her cousin. Hina gulped and froze. Hostility filled the air and their was a long silence. The teacher stared at them, clearly confused but didn't mutter a word. Karariri's cold, deep brown eyes met Hina's gentle green ones. Hina cleared her throat and handed the papers to the teacher.

"Anata ga katta," Karariri whispered softly. "Watashi wa, o shinpai o akiramenai"


Lunch was quiet. All eyes were shifting from Hina to Karariri. Karariri sat with Lin and her friends, gently laying her head on his shoulder and trying to sleep. Kyouya finally appeared, sitting across from Hina and clearing his throat. Kaoru looked at him curiously.

"Hello..." he forced a smile.

"Senpai isnt your little fiancee over there?" Kaoru rolled his eyes and looked away. Hina awaited an answer, her eyes scanning over the words on the last page of her book.

"She isn't my fiancee. Never truly was" he sighed, "She called off the wedding yesterday after she really thought about the uhh... stipulation, and it simply wasn't enough for her"

"But it was for you, so why dont you just go get her back?" Hikaru blinked.

"Did it ever occur to you that she may have cared for you?" Hina mumbled.

"In case you haven't noticed, she doesnt seem too upset-"

"Cause she's Karariri. She's not gonna show what she defines as weakness" Hina retorted.

"Well what am I supposed to do? She has him and-"

"You shouldn't have toyed with her like that. She's my cousin, and im stupid for thinking she was wrong. You must've been the dark-haired boy she always talked about when we were kids.. You must've been the one she drew in her journal. The one that was in her science class-" Hina realized.

"How do you know about any of those things?" Kaoru blinked.

"Cause she's my cousin. We used to be super close and then.. Then she moved away. Then we were separated and never spoke until today. So now it all makes sense! That's why she was being so mean at first... Cause she knew how I felt towards you" Hina thought aloud. "H-How I used to feel that is"

"Used to feel," her words echoed inside of Kyouya's head. "How she used to feel" he thought. He sighed and rubed his eyes.

"Well Hina what should I do?" he begged for help.

"Quit waiting around for me. I've moved on and, I'm happy. You should be the same" Hina shrugged. Kyouya looked away, unable to believe what he was hearing, and hoping to soon wake up from the nightmare.

"Understood" he sighed, getting up. "it was pointless to try and speak with you. I'm sorry" He turned and froze as he saw Karariri. She was looking down and wiping her eyes as she leaned against Lin, her forced fiancee.

"Are you okay Riri?" Lin frowned. Karariri nodded, looking up at Kyouya.

"Just fine my love" she forced the last words. Lin wrapped an arm around her and kissed her forehead gently.

"Alright babe. Please smile.. For me" he pouted, gently lifting her chin.

"Wish i could" she sighed,  "Wish I could-" He cut her off and gently pressed his lips against hers. Karariri gently pulled away, pressing her forehead to his. Kyouya stared, unable to speak and balled his fists. What could he do? He couldn't figure it out. As far as he could tell, he had already lost them both.

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