Chapter 11: Takumi

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The next day I headed to Music Room Three all shooken up from the previous hours of Kyouya and Kaoru. Stopped every hallway I walked down by one with flowers or candy or a camera. It's getting out of hand. Kyouya's still my little masochist, but I dont look forward to it today. Kaoru is going to be upset with me because of it.

"Hello!" I smiled already in costume. "As of Today I take requests for you ladies to have some alone time with me" I winked at my table of guests.

"Me first!" they all screamed. I covered my ears and smiled at them as they ran to Kyouya. "Slave get started on arranging appointments" I demanded.

"Yes Master" he laughed as he began to jot down times and names of various guests. I kicked back in my seat with my chairs up on the table waiting for my first guest of the day when out of no where I was lifted out of the chair by a familiar boy. I looked at his face in shock and saw the flaming tips of his red-orange hair.

"Hello beautiful" he whispered smiling at me.

"uhh Hi" I laughed.

"Oh! Kyouya, Kaoru's stealing your master!" the crowd squealed. "Love triangle moe! Love Triangle moe!" they chanted.

"Ignore them' Kaoru smirked brushing his lips against mine.

"Kaoru stop it!" I complained.

"I know you dont like being teased Kazuya" Kaoru snickered kissing me softly.

"Kazuya I have your appointments!" Kyouya complained. I attempted to pull away but to no avail. Kaoru motioned for Kyouya to go away with his hand and pressed my body against his.

"Stop" I muttered. He let go and wrapped an arm around me.

"Yes master" he bowed.

"HEY!" Kyouya and Hikaru screamed.

"Moeeee!" the girls squealed. They jumped up and down and waited for Kyouya to do something.

"Did Kazuya not tell you? Earlier today he played master with me inside of the restroom. At first I didnt want to, but after I was pinned to the wall there was nothing I could do" Kaoru said biting his lip. "He's just so amazing"

"Uh oh" I frowned pretending zipping my lips.

"Did Kazuya not tell you why theres a white stain on his pants?" Kyouya smirked. Yes it was true there was a white stain, but it was paint from art class.

"Ohh!" the fangirls cheered.

"Slave take me home!" I pouted.

"Yes ma'am" Kyouya and Kaoru both smiled. "She was talking to me! No she wasnt! Stop doing that!"

"Ugh" I sighed grabbing my book bag. "I'll see you ladies tomorrow" I smirked cupping one's chin. I had a black and white rose between my teeth and gave it to her the way two dancing tango parners would. She turned as red as a ruby and fainted.

"You're so lucky!" the others compalined.

"Haruhi! Meet me at home! I'm going for a walk" I smiled.

"Kay!" she replied turning back to her guests. Oh Haruhi, I wish you knew what it was like to feel the way I do. I ran out of the door and down the long street. I slipped off my costume piece by piece and shoved it inside my bag. I tossed the beg beside a tree and climbed it quickly. I sat up there for a long while, just watching the sun, shimmering in all its glory. The sky was a mixture of enticing blue and exloding white. The clouds covered the sun and shade settled over the earth. I sat in the tree admiring the view when a small Robin flew right onto my lap. I smiled and took it in my hands as it chirped happily.

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