Chapter 19: Seven Days

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"We're starting a cheerleading squad" Hitomi informed her friends.

"Why?" Karariri hissed.

"Cause Ouran doesn't have any cheer leaders! Plus we're gods here, C'mon Riri-chan!!" Hitomi begged.

"Since im being forced" Karariri sighed. "but our uniforms are purple"

"I knew you were going to say that!" Hitomi squealed.

"We wanna join!" the twins screamed.

"Yes of course I'll let you two demon's join!" Hitomi rolled her eyes.

"Hey boss you're really mean" they pouted.

"And you laid your hands on Tsukishiro!" Hitomi cried.

"You're really attached to him huh?" they snickered.

"Wh-What?" Tsukishiro blushed deeply.

"Nothing, they're just being stupid again" Hitomi hissed.

"well Kyouya, what do you think my love?" Karariri smiled slightly.

"I think it'll look cute" he shrugged, writing in his book. Karariri hugged his arm and stared off into the distance sadly.

"Why do you force yourself to like me?" she bit her lip. Kyouya gulped, clearing his throat. His deep brown eyes averted hers as he looked away.

"I'm not forcing anything" he lied.

"Yes you are.. And I dont like it anymore senpai" she let go of his arm. "You're not in love with me.. You want my cousin Hina."

"No I dont" he insisted.

"Then why cant you look me in the eyes when you say these things? Why are we pretending to love each other after only a few days?" she demanded.

"its our best interest for our businesses" he answered simply.

"Its the best for yours." she corrected, backing away from him. "And that's not what I want."

"well what do you want? I'll give you anything I can just say the word princess.." he pleaded.

"I want nothing to do with you. Im not going to live a lie for the rest of my life being your wife and im definitely not living unhappily" she crossed her arms over her chest. "I liked you better when we were in middle school together. You were at least honest then"


Karariri left in the middle of the day, walking home to her apartment and locking the door carefully until the girls would get back. She plopped down on the couch and pulled a blanket over herself, falling fast asleep afterwards.

-Flashback Start-

Karariri walked into the classroom holding her books carefully. She handed the note to the teacher and smiled nervously. Kyouya's eyes lingered over her and the teacher pointed her to a seat. Karariri bowed respectfully and walked with poise, hoping the kids would stop staring at her. She held a beaker carefully in her hands, fizzing and bubbling and took a seat beside her new lab partner.

"Hello, my name is Karariri" she held her hand out for him to shake. Kyouya looked at her curiously, she was one of the few that weren't afraid of him. He shook her hand gently and wiped it off on his shirt, turning back to his black book and writing in it feverishly. He covered his hand with his mouth as he wrote, his eyes not averting it for a mere second. Karariri pouted and sat beside him sadly.

"You're not very nice" she scoffed, pulling out her sketch pad. He turned to her, his eye twitching due to an irate mood and shrugged it off.

"You're so arrogant" he rolled his eyes.

Seven Days And Seven Nights~ OHSHC Love Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now