Chapter 47:Back to the Basics

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Chapter 47

Warning this story is rated M for've been warned ;)

What's wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with me? I'm lying on my bed...staring at the ceiling, and the only thing I can think about is that heated moment I shared...w..wi..with Zane! It was just a heated moment , meant nothing to me, right? Yeah of actually liking Zane, ha...that'll never happen. The way he held me definitely had no affect me...nope, none at all...the way he pulled me closer to him, the way my skin tingled at his touch, the way our lips moved in sync, the way he left me wanting more.... Stop!! I shook my head ridding of the thoughts that had emerged in my head. What was I thinking?

There was a soft knock of the door. I sighed as I lifted myself off the comfortable mattress. My feet dragged across the soft white carpet. I rounded the corner, just in time to hear another chorus of knocks. I ran to the door, and opened it. "What" I said in disgust. Zaylan walked into the room, "You still have detention" he whispered in a soft tone. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed, grabbing my shoes and walking out my room.

My eyes scanned the room as I walked into detention. There were a few of the regulars, then there was our crew. They all sat in the back of the room. I looked down as I saw Zane leaning back. He had a look of concentration on his face as he stared into space. I walked towards the back of the room, and sat down in the only seat left...right next to Zane. I instantly felt the tension as I placed my head against the desk. My flaming red cheeks cooled down as they met the cool surface of my desk. "Nyla" Brielle whispered. "Nyla" came another voice, as something collided on my head. I winced, and looked up, as the paper ball hit the does a paper ball hurt that much? I looked at Trentin, surprised by the serious expression on his face. He ushered for me to walk over to him.

I frowned as I walked over to him, looking around for somewhere to sit. He pat his lap. I rolled my eyes and sat down in his lap, having no other choice. "What" I hissed. "You like him" he asked nodding his head in Zane's direction. "Wha-what are you talking about" I stuttered as color rose to my cheeks. He narrowed his eyes, "Don't play dumb with me" his tone frightened me. It was foreign to me...he's normally flirty or funny all the time...but this tone was serious. "Why do you even care" I defended. "Because he's my friend, and I don't want him to be played if he just so happens to like you. I know that you, Zaylan, and I are probably the top player's in this academy...but after today I finally saw a different side of you...the way you looked into his eyes..." I quickly got up, cutting him off. I walked back to my seat, my heart beating a million times the original pace. My emotions ranged from anger all the way to thinking I actually liked him.

I sat back down, just as the teacher walked out. I glanced towards Zane. It's now or never... I guess bold Nyla never left... Standing up, I walked up to him, and sat in his lap. Before he could even protest, I wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt him tense up a bit, "Nyla I really don't feel like.." I cut him off by placing a gentle slow kiss on his lips. As soon as I pulled back, I opened my eyes, meeting his blue ones. This time I know he felt it...the sparks... He stared at me wide eyed, then something weird eyes started to flutter, and I passed out.

My eyes shot open. I searched the room frantically and froze. I looked into Tyler's eyes as I lay on my bed, in Hayden's house. I absentmindedly ran my hands across my neck. My heart crystal. I shot up from the bed, running towards the door...I'm still human. "Tyler, where's Brielle" I asked stopping at the door. "She sent you back" he asked in disbelief. I stared at him in horror...Brielle sent me back...but why? Why would she do that? I didn't answer his question, I just walked out the door, shutting it behind me.

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