The Flash is Born 5

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Dakota sat in the principal's office, her knuckles are bloodied and bruised. She didn't say a word as the principal stared at her.

"You could've killed him Dakota. You're lucky his parents aren't pressing charges." The principal said just as Joe walked in.

"He deserved it." Dakota began rubbing at her knuckles.

"Look can you just let her off the hook? She's sorry and it's been a tough time for both her and Barry." Joe explained to the principal.

"First of all I am not sorry at all." Kota snapped.

End of Flashback

Barry was holding the punching bag for Eddie and Dakota was watching them.

"Let Barry try." Kota grinned evilly.

"You know you two I had my fair share of bullies." Eddie said and Kota snorted with laughter. "I was short and fat. Son of a politician."

"What'd you do about it?" Barry asked suddenly intrigued.

"I got beat up. A lot. Just like you Allen." Eddie said.

"Um I actually didn't have bullies." Dakota piped up. "I just got in trouble a lot..."

"You're a good kid, how did you do that?" Eddie was trying to hide his laughter.

"She was actually saving me most of the time." Barry replied.

"My parents had been teaching me how to fight since I was four. I've been taking Woodward down since we were eleven." Dakota smirked.

"My gym teacher told me the key to fighting is patience. Here." Eddie said and held the bag. "All it takes is one but you have to make it count. Pick your spot and drive through it. Like it's six inches behind the target." Barry punched somewhat hard. "Harder." Barry punched harder with more power. "Harder." Barry slammed his fist into the bag and punched a hole in.

Eddie stumbled backwards, coughing.

"The seem was starting to rip." He murmured.

"That was my favorite bag Barry." Dakota pouted. "Me next."

Eddie stood up and grunted, "Maybe next time Dakota. You'll still kick my ass."

"Damn right I will." Kota smirked with satisfaction.

Eddie and Barry were practicing moves and Barry was excelling fast.

An officer came in, "The unit you put on Iris was just attacked. Iris is missing."

Eddie grabbed his jacket and took off.

Dakota pecked Barry on the lips, "I'm gonna get a head start. I have a hunch."


Dakota was in the halls of their old middle school on a hunch. She hid the shadows ready with a sonic explosive device in her hand.

Tony shoved Iris through the doors and she glared at him.

"What's the plan Tony?" Iris asked.

"I want you to write about me." Tony demanded.

"You just kidnapped me, why would I do that?" Iris snapped crossing her arms.

"Because the Streak is dead. Squashed like a bug by me." Tony continued.

Kota stepped into the open, "But I'm not." She armed the sonic explosive device and threw it. "Iris run!"

Tony stumbled against the lockers as Iris ran behind me.

She tapped her earpiece, "You better get your ass over here. I can only keep him busy."

"Already on my way." Barry replied.

Kota turned to Iris, "Stay behind me! And do what I tell you!"

Tony charged at her fist ready. She ducked and made Tony trip. He still fights sloppy.

"I'm gonna kill you!" He shouted.

Barry arrived and Dakota ducked out of the way by Iris.

"You alright?!" She asked.

Dakota smiled, "This is normal for us!"

Barry started to fight Tony and he was winning, "I've known guys like you. Bully then bully now."

He grabbed the flag pole and hit Tony across the face. Woodward caught it and began to hit Barry back and forth between the walls. Barry collapsed on the ground. Dakota grabbed an explosive arrow, getting ready to fire. Barry took off the doors slamming behind him.

"Looks like your hero is a coward." Tony said cracking his knuckles. Kota fired and Tony snatched the arrow out of the air. "You missed."

"I don't miss." Kota grinned and the arrow exploded.

Tony stumbled backwards.

Suddenly Barry burst through the doors and hit Tony square in the face. Barry fell to the ground and so did Tony. Woodward got to his knees and slowly stood up. Dakota jumped on top of him and wrapped her arm around his throat.

"No! Don't kill him!" Barry cried out.

Dakota winked and waited until Tony fell limp, "He's only unconscious."

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