"She can see you?" I yelled at him.

"Uh. Is he supposed to be imaginary?" She asked confused and William broke out laughing.

"Oh I haven't laughed that much in over a million years. I like her son." He said and I groaned.

"Laura this is William my biological father. Also the creator of the vampires." I said and she smiled.

"Nice to meet you mr. William vampire creator person sir but you don't look like a vampire." She said and he smiled.

"Would you prefer my fangs instead?" He asked and tilted his head to the side.

"Oh no. You just don't seem scary." She said and he chuckled.

"I'm not supposed to be scary. Most creators aren't. Except for that bastered creator of the shifters." He growled out and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes dad. We know you hate him." I said and handed all the things to Laura an sat on a chair on the other side of the room.

"Ross don't make me come over there." She said and I groaned.

"Fine." I said and walked over to her and say on the bed.

"You forgot my marker." She said and Will laughed. His fingers snapped and a marker appeared in her hand.

"Oh. Thank you." She said and in capped it. She smiled at me and I frowned.

"You should smile more. You live longer." She said and I glared at her.

"Now come here you big baby." She said and I scoot closer. She put foundation on my face and rubbed it in. She also put on eye shadow and eye liner. Followed by blush. She then did my hair in a wave/ quif thing that was actually really cool.

"Why didn't you just ask Rydel to do it to her?" I whined when she grabbed tweezers.

"Oh no. Stay away from my eye brows." I said and got up to run to the door but she grabbed me.

"But they're bushy." She complained.

"And you won't let me go mountain climbing." She added and I gently bit at her hand on my arm.

"Hey. No biting." She yelled hitting my head.

"Spouse abuse. Spouse abuse." I yelled and she laughed.

"Your so weird." She giggled and I groaned.

"Can I go wash this make up off now? I feel dirty. Does it always feel like this " I asked and she laughed.

"No Ross." She said ad I nodded.

"Ok. Now let me go." I said and she nodded.

"Ok. But only because I have to do your nails now." She said and let me go. I ran out of the room and to the other house. I ran in and slammed the door shut locking it. Mark sped in and tried to contain his laugh.

"How did you do it five times." I growled at him and he burst out laughing. I groaned and walked to the kitchen.

My mom was in there and she looked at me and screamed for a second and threw her batch of cookies at the wall.

"What happened? Oh no. Laura is in that stage. Are you not letting her out young man?!?!?" She yelled at me.

"No I'm not. She is on bed rest." I said and she chuckled.

"Never put you wife on bed rest boy. Didn't your father teach you anything?" She asked and I laughed.

"No." I whispered and heard a growl upstairs.

"I heard that." He yelled and I laughed.

"Now since my father is at my house. He is probably going to show up or pop me there. So I'll be on my way. Oh and how do I get. " I paused then continued.

"This" I motioned to my entire face

"Off me." I said and she laughed putting a batch of cookies in a bag.

"There are some makeup remover wipes upstairs in my bathroom." She said and I thanked her. I ran upstairs and into my parents room and asked my dad for them. He gave them to me and I ran downstairs and into the kitchen. Mom handed me the bag of cookies and just as I grabbed them I was teleported to a freaking different room. I looked around and the bag of cookies were snatched out of my hands.

"Thank you." He said and I looked at them.

"Hey those are mine." I whined and he laughed.

"Go remove your make up makeup man." He teased and I glared at him and took the cookies back. He had one in his hand and I grabbed that one too.

"Stop it. You can't eat that." I said and walked past him up the stairs to mine and Laura's room. She is on our bed painting her nails and she looked up at me.

"Ooooo. Cookies." She held her arms out like a kid reaching for candy.

"Here. Don't let Will have any." I said and she giggled and grabbed the bag.

When I went into the bathroom and grabbed a wipe I heard Laura yell.

"Will do you want a cookie?" she yelled and I groaned.

"Laura. Remember what happened to rocky?" I yelled from the bathroom.

"He's the creator. I'm sure he can eat it." She yelled and I rolled my eyes.

"She's a smart one. Smarter than you." Will said from the door and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah yeah." I said and finished wiping the make up off.

"Alright give me those. You've had enough." I said walking over to her. She grabbed three more and handed me the bag. I took two and zipped the bag up.

"Let's go watch a movie. You coming Will?" I said and he looked at me.

"Sure. What movie?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Don't know. Ask her." I said handing him the bag of cookies.

"I should make cookies ok for vampires to eat. These are divine." He said turning. The bag upside down. He shook the bag with his hand under it and growled.

"How the hell do you open this thing?" He asked shaking the bag. I burst out laughing.

"Don't laugh. Help your old man." He said chucking the bag at me. I caught it and pulled the sides of the ziplock and his eyes watched with wonder.

"Woah." He exclaimed and I laughed.

"Nice dad. Real nice." I laughed and he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah. Laugh it up. Just give it to me." He said and grabbed it from me and walked down stairs.

"He's cool." Laura said from behind me.

"He's defiantly something." I said and she laughed.

"Ross how do you work this metal contraption boxy thing?" He yelled from my man cave.

"Oh no not my tv." I yelled and grabbed Laura.

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