18. Make up your mind.

Beginne am Anfang

"i dont know if i still want to be a Bella, i dont even know why im one." Beca said without looking at her friend's face.

"what's making you change your mind?" Stacie could guess the answer, in fact, she knew the answer but she'd never tell Beca.

"i dont enjoy these practices, Aubrey always gets to my last nerve and i dont have the guts to sing in front of people without the stupid medication." This was true, everything she said was true, but that wasnt the real reason.

Stacie knew how hard this would be for Beca, she didnt know she was feeling like that. "i know its hard." She said side hugging Beca. "But please dont leave me alone, if by the start of next year you still want to leave, i'll leave with you."

Beca looked up at her friend with a sincere smile. "This is why im still dealing with you." They got in the car and Stacie dropped Beca at her house.

Beca got in her house, leaving her keys on the table.
"How was practice, Satan spawn?" Caren yelled from the kitchen.

"What's that smell?" Beca decoded to change the topic without even answering.

"uh dinner, i guess." Caren was going from one point of the kitchen to other, carrying plates and burned food. "an attemp of Thai food."

Caren placed a big plate filled with meat and burned wooden sticks. "What did i do now?" Beca said jockingly.

"ha ha laugh all you want, you're missing this tasty piece of SHIT." Caren spit the meat she had put in her mouth, realizing how bad it was.

"sushi?" Beca asked. Caren nodded agreeing.

After Beca hung up the phone she made her way upstairs to her room, connecting her headphones as soon as she opened her laptop.

"You changed topic." Her mother said taking Beca's headphones off of her daughter's head.

"WHATS WITH EVERYONE SCARING ME?" Beca said dramatically "what do you mean?"

"i asked how was practice, and i ended up eating my shitty plate. Spill." Caren spinned her daughter's chair around so she could face her.

Beca laughed before answering. "Damn, internet explorer, is that you?" She said earning a slap from her mother. "it was fine."

"so something happened." Caren stated. "The scale goes excellent, amazing, great, good, bad, horrible, fine." Beca rolled her eyes at her mother.

"Nothing im just getting tired of having anxiety, i mean, i always hated it but singing in front of humam beings makes it like 1000 times worse." Again, that was true but it wasnt the whole truth.

"Awe honey." Caren said wrapping an arm around Beca. "i know you dont like it and its not your fault, but you seemed so happy the firsts weeks."

"yeah well, you seemed happy during the firsts weeks after you had me." The tiny DJ said, her mother pushing her jockingly.

"Anyways, i need help with this thing on the TV. I want to watch a movie and i have no idea how." Caren decided to change topic, of course she knew her daughter. She knew something was in Beca's mind besides her anxiety issue and pushing her wouldnt do nothing.

"Netflix?" Beca asked.

"Like if i remember. Just come downstairs and help me." Sh said grabbing Beca by the wrist dragging her to the living.

Tuesday, three more days till christmas break.

Beca entered the school, making her way to her first class since she didnt have much time before the bell rings.

Classroom A6, like every tuesday morning, before she could go in there she was stopped by some cheery happy person.

"Chloe chill." Beca said in a calm tone. She couldnt hear anything that Chloe said. "Deep breathe."

Chloe took a deep breathe and started talking. "I feel something is wrong with you, like if you are mad at me or something."

Beca's mouth wqs shapped as a perfect 'O' What was she supossed to answer. "Its nothing." She tried to enter the classroom again but was stopped again by Chloe.

"Its not nothing. I care, Beca and if something is bothering you and i want to know because im your friend." Chloe said with a sincere look.

"Its my bussines so drop it."
Again, WHY ARE YOU TREATING HER LIKE THIS? She asked to herself. "you're late to Chemistry." and with that, she enter the class, leaving the red head alone in the hall.

you're an asshole Mitchell.

A/N i tried making this a little bit more readible(?
longer chapter soon, this timw for real :)

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