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Diana's // pov

"Thanks for the food mom" I say as I put the dish in sink. "No problem sweat heart, so when would you like to meet with your teachers for senior project" my mom asks. "Sometime this week since Ethan is doing this get back together party" I say as I  clean my dish.

"Okay well we will see you tomorrow and your dad will be home tomorrow early in the morning" she says hugging me. "Goodnight mom" I  say and she leaves upstairs.

"Tell" my sister says from the living room pausing her show. "Tell what" I  say drying my hands. "I know there's something bothering you so what happened" she says.

"Well he went to a party and I  didnt go because of senior project and all that. So he calls and I  knew he was intoxicated so I  go to the party after i finish my project and boom there he is with Jennifer wanting to be with him" I  say collapsing in live seat.

"Hmm wow that's kinda intense don't you think " she says eating ice cream and processing.

"But then when I  was leaving she was already there. She was telling me how I  wasn't any good for calum any how I said goodbye Felicia. Ugh is just too complicated and Calum thinks everything is alright like nothing happened like hey go with the flow" I  say grabbing the ice cream from my sister.

"You get em girl" my sister says laughing so i laugh with her. Soon we heard a phone ring. "Here ill go get it" she says. As I  nod i flip through the channels and I  see lip sing battle. Oh I  haven't watch it for a while. As my sister come back she plays the voicemail.

Hey um i am sorry that i thought everything was good and all. I should of said something and i think your right we should have a break but anyways your done with your project. Hopefully ill see you around bye.

"Oh holy smokes his a dick what the heck. That was rude as fudge you dont need him his just like all of those famous persons" my sister rambles.

I just sit there too shocked to say anything. As Sarah keeps talking i just nod and I  feel like the world is spinning.

"I am um going to bed and can you text the girls saying we are going to vacation" i say as i head upstairs.


"Wake up sleeping beauty" I  recognize as my dad. "Hi dad" i say waking up. "Hi honey glad to have you back" he says and I  hug him.

"What are today plans i was thinking to go to the studio and print some pictures" I  say truthfully.

"That's great honey, so how is Calum and you" my dad says. "DAD! DONT BRING CAL-" my sister yells through mid sentence. I break to sobs and then my comes in running. "Oh my i am sorry i didn't know" my dad starts and my mom joins me in the bed sitting next to me.

"Do you want to go to a therapist " my parents ask. "No i just want a relaxing vacation no drama just a vacation" i say and i see them nod.

"I have the flight ready and Beth and Bella are all set" Sarah says. "I want you to come too" i say whipping my tears" i say to her. "I know but with college and all i think its best for me if i stay and ill drive you to the Airport and one more thing there's paparazzi out here today" she says as she looks in the window.

"I am going to get ready and okay what i need to get ready" i say.

Studio |¤|

"Diana hi we have your DVD and cover for i all ready for you " John says. "Thanks John your the best" i say as i look at it wow this is amazing breath taking. "Oh and did you send a copy to hi or hey records" i ask. "Actually they came this morning" John says. I nod "Thanks John" i say and leave to the 10th floor for the photography area. As i wait for the elevator i hear voices.

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