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Its late at night and no one is at home so i just go out for a stroll. I grab a black hoodie and my keys.

As i walk theres tons of college kids ,if I was in school ill be like them in college. Then i see Diana sitting in the curve by herself with her phone.

I seat next to her
"Hey, i think i am ready to listen to you" i say looking at her.
"Hey, okay well. His my ex he wont get over the fact that i broke up with him. I felt miserable and if i stayed with him i wouldn't be able to do photography class. And that's what i love the most if you where me you would of done the same. I am really sorry i am not his girlfriend and he gets jealous when he sees me with someone. In my opinion he should move on cause i did a long time ago" she says looking down.

I take my hand and raise her chin and i kiss her. This takes us by surprised but i feel like this is my chance. She kisses back and i feel sparks like its supposed to happened. We pull apart,"I understand i am sorry i was selfish that i didnt listened to you. I was pretty hurt when he said that i actually though i had a chance with you. And i when he said that i Knew you where out of my limit. But i am glad your not any more" i say.

I stare at her blue eyes that are dark blue in the night. "I agree calum i am sorry for all i caused really"she says. "Come on we should walk i probably have to drive the guys back" i say taking her hand. We walk together while our hands connect.

"So tell me about your self since you kinda half know about me"i smirk as we walk. "Hmm okay" she giggles,"well i have one sister and shes 19 years old,um i am 18 years old still in highschool this will be my last year. Cause i kinda started school late when i was little. Um i have awesome friends they are directioners and kinda in the 5sauce fandom i dont know. Um we usually go to a lot of concerts and we find it fun. " she says as we continue walking.

"Aww thats sad you have one more year if high school. Stupid for you to start late" i say smiling at her . "Yeah well i dont mind school to be honest but i start school soon and then my photography class of the summer was done today so i should be busy with school" she says. "Yeah you will" i say,"what about your parents" i continue. "Hmm well they travel a lot. My mom she hates me cause ill be a bad girl around i guess , but she still cares about me she likes more my sister cause she gets to leave her dreams through her. she try to do that with me but no i don't want that. I want to be me my self.

And my dad he supports me for what i do. They hate when i sing your songs they will be like someone make her stop please" she says laughing. "Haha they sound awesome"i say still walking around. "Yeah there are awesome but strict you know" she says. Soon her phone vibrates ,she lets go off my hand and then starts texting. She then makes a phone call i am thinking her sister.

phone call :

"No i am walking and no i am not partying","what do you care your home and i am not going to cover for you","yeah well i dont care you get to party as much as you want in college". I hear her say pretty much her sister love i guess.

"Sorry about that it was my sister" she says smiling. "Its totally fine i just got a text from Bryana saying help" i say laughing. We go and get the guys from the club and we go to car. "So you guys made up" Bryana asks. "Yeah i guess it was time this guys are going to be sober tomorrow" i say. They agree and we drive to the LA house.

We get the guys to the rooms,"so Diana are you going to stay with us" Bryana asks getting jars of water for Michael,Luke,and Ashton. "Um i guess its pretty late" she says. "Yeah its fine with me for you to stay safety is first" Bryana says and Diana helps her with the guys. "So Bryana are you going to sleep with Ashton" i ask as everything is ready. "Um no not even tomorrow lets just be ready goodnight guys" she says. And we say goodnight to her,"wanna sleep with me" i say pouting. "Are you sure" she asks biting her lip.

I nod surely, she agrees and we got to my room. "Um heres a shirt that you could change to" i say. "Thanks ill go and change"she says as i hand her my fave shirt. To be honest i have a lot of favorite shirts. She comes back and i am in underwear and shirt too. She blushes as she sees me and i seem to she looks really hot with the shirt.

"I am pretty sure you look better with my shirt than i do" i say smiling as we go to bed and cuddle. "Well thanks its from a guy called calum hood" she says teasingly. "Haha well i might know him ya know" i say. "Yeah well maybe,goodnight cal" she mumbles. "Goodnight i mumble back and we fall a sleep. I think this is the best sleep i have gotten in years.

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