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Calums// Pov

This past first week that Diana has been with us are okay i guess. Shes been away most of the time. But still comes to see us perform. Everyday she keeps texting that Guy, should i get worried or jealous?

To be honest i have no idea but then its time for me to be a man and ask her out since this is her last week with us. I cuddle with her closely since she's all warm. "Hey" she says in her morning voice,"Hi" i say smiling even thought she has her eyes clothes. "What are the plans for today" she asks as i let go and turns to face me. "Well i was thinking of a double date maybe i dont know" i say. "Mhmm sounds fun and with who" she says.

"With Luke his hooking up with this YouTube person and management is making them" i say softly. She gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom.

"Calum can you get me a towel i forgot to get one" she calls brushing her teeth. "Okay" i get up and get two towels and go to the bathroom. "Thanks" she says giving me a kiss in the cheek. I get out since my phone starts vibrate.

Text messege:

Luke: ugh today's the day

Me: yeah dude sorry

Luke: life is going to be really bad cause fans you know. But i don't care if they hate on her we aren't official right?

Me: yeah why dont you confront management about it.

Luke: i should but tomorrow. Btw can you ask Diana her opinion about what the fans will say. :-)

Me:okay wait you aren't up this early.

I look at the time ,since he always sleeps in.

Luke: yeah sorry to bother you ill see you in a few.

I shut my phone off and go back to the bathroom. I smirk as shes already taking a shower. I open the water in the sink so i can brush my teeth.

"Calum i hate you its cold" she whines , "i am sorry" i say smiling. I finish brushing my teeth and i start to leave. "Wait calum i need a favor" she says ,"okay well what is it" i say biting my lip. "Come here" she says. I do go over by the shower curtain. Then i get all wet, she starts giggling. I take my clothes off and join her. We take our shower and then we get ready.

- later that day

"So we should go to the golf alley" i say grabbing Dianas hand. "Yeah i agree" Luke says awkward. I see Diana look at me and then whispers. "I feel bad for him". I kiss her forehead and we go and pay for the golf and mini golf courses. "Lukey poo i am cold" she says to Luke. I groan and then Diana fake coughs and says 'slut'. Luke and i just laugh while she grins. While Luke's date looks like she's about to kill my girlfriend. Diana just puts her hands up in surrounded.

We play mini golf the guys against the girls. Of course we are wining since Diana is doing all the scoring since Luke's date is there fake crying about her heels. What a slut, did she really thought she was going out in a casual date. Well she guessed wrong , "guys we should go for a drink at the club not far" she says to us. But then adds "But you guys aren't dressed properly". I feel Diana stiff at the comment, but she looks great. Shes wearing white skinny jeans ,a black crop top i guess with a sweater , and necklace.

" Um no we have a show tomorrow so then we wont be sober you know" Luke says smirking. While she nods and i walk with Diana to her car. "Luke ill see you later" i say to him as we reach the cars. I open the passengers seat to Diana. "Thank you" she says. I get in the car and we drive back to the hotel we are staying.

-Later that night

Diana is sleeping she was really tired today. I sneak out of the room since i needed to talk to the guys since there awake also. I walk to the lobby to see the guys waiting. "Hey guys" i say , "Hey" they all say. "So Luke how was your date" Michael asks. "A night mare to be honest thank god Diana and calum where there" he says.
"Wow that stinks man" Ashton says. "Yeah she was a looser that Diana and us we made rude comments at her it was funny even her heels broke while playing mini golf" Luke says as he laughs. We all laugh at the heels part. "I am sorry i ruined your date calum" Luke says, "its fine dont worry about it she had fun and so did i" i tell him.

"Okay so brought you all together for a scavenger hunt" i tell them. "Ohhh nice for what" Ashton says. "I am going to make it official about our relationship" i say smiling. "Oh you go man" Michale says excited. "That's why i need your help planing it out" i tell them. " We got you man i totally ship you guys" Michael says. We all laugh , "well i should get going its getting late and we have a long day tomorrow" Ashton says and so do i.

"Wait quick question calum" Ashton asks "have you guys done anything". "No "i say furrowing my eye brows. " "Are you sure like nothing" Ashton says. "Um no we take showers together" i say blushing. "But nothing happen and it was only today that's it" i quickly add. They all laugh but i just laugh and go back to the room.

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