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I wake up by someone poking my cheeks. I groan and then i pull the blankets to my head. "Get up calum" Luke says,i make no movements cause i still want to sleep. Suddenly the blankets are taken away from me and water is sprayed. I instantly get up "what was that for Luke" i groan and head to the shower.

I hum the new song shes kinda hot,i dry my self and pick some skinny jeans and a shirt. I make the bed before i leave the room and grab my phone and wallet.

As i make my way downstairs i smell food. It smells really good,"hello cal" Bryanna says and i join her in the kitchen.

"Hiya so whats for breakfast" i say. "I am trying to do this new recipe but i don't know i am almost done. But there eggs look exactly like Ashtons" she says teasingly.

"Haha well i can help with the egg parts" i say and go and prepare the eggs.

"We want food" we hear the guys say. "Yeah well if we had more people we would have ate really early" i say.

Then I  high five Bryanna and then I  serve the eggs in the plates. I help put them in the table and we all eat. Minutes later we start finishing we look at the time and its time to leave.

"Michael put the dishes in the dish washer" I  say. "Ugh has Bryanna rub off on you" Michael groans. "Um no but it helps us keep organized" I  say
Brushing my teeth in the bathroom.

When I  am done I  grab my converse and i see everyone is ready and we head to the car.

At the studio|¤|

"Hmm i love this song"our manager says.

"This is definitely pop punk ,no this is punk rock" he says listening to the song. We high five each other on our success.

"So who was the idea of this song" he asks us. "I was the one" i mumble softly,"what was that cal" he says. "It was me that came up with this but the guys helped too"I  say siting up in the chair. He gets up and hugs me tight,"Ahhh so happy i knew you got it in you" he says.

"Hey what about me"Luke pouts,"I am just teasing you kid" our manager says.

"When can we release it" Ashton asks. "Hmm well this album should be call the name of the first song. And it will be call shes kinda hot cause of that.

We just need the cover of the album and a way to launch it" he says leaving the meeting .

Minutess later of silence a guy comes in.
"Hi i will be helping you with the album cover"he says.
"Um hi" we all say awkward.

"I think it should be like a cheerleader with a dog face and then like a target in the background"Ashton says.

The guy starts drawing in a paper and then Luke gets a pic of his dog dodge. "This should be the pic of the dog" Luke he says showing the guy and he nods and gets to work.


5sos posted a pic.
(Pic from the beginning)

"Seriously Luke the fans will be wondering" Michael says looking at Luke. "So we can call it ... 5 on the wall" he says. "Sounds good we could start like this count down and then we can hired someone to spray paint the album and the next day they could hear the song and then in a couple of weeks the music video"I  say. (A/N: that drove me crazy)

'Genius' Ashton mouths. "So how about this" the dude says we nod in agreement. "Looks great can you spray paint this by any chance" Michael says. "Yeah totally when and where and ill do it" he says. "You got your self a deal man" Ashton says.

Before we leave we talk to management about our ideas and they love it. So know we have a free day thank god . "Guys we have a free day what should we do" Michael says.
"Well me and MY girlfriend are going on a date" Ashton says.

Meaning him and Bryana we nod,"okay then well good luck and goodbye" Luke says laughing. "God can you be any more harsh" i say and i wave good bye to those love birds.

"Okay well i want to have fun so i will go to drove and busters" Michael says. "Ill join you Michael i want to play those arcade games" i say. And we walk down the street to drove and busters. "Wait up guys" we hear Luke in the distance.

As we do I wonder if the fans would like the knew merchandise we plan
On doing?

"Yeah there going to love it" Michael answers.

" Did i ask that aloud?" i ask and he nods.

"So whats been up with you as in more happy and the new song." Luke says as we go back to walking.

" Its actually a special girl" I say leaving them to that. I don't know what else to say so there's no further questions to be asked.

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