Patricia and Eddie looked at each other and back at Amber and shook their heads no very awkwardly.

"Oh my Anubis! Yay! Now we can be Amfie again!" She giggled and grabbed her bags and started rushing to Anubis House.

"A-Amber wait!" Eddie exclaimed and she stopped and looked at him confused. "Uh the truth is, um... Alfie can't wait to see you either." He lied.
Patricia slapped him and growled.

"Uh okay, well, see ya!" Amber looked at them weirdly and took off towards the house again.

"You are dumb." Patricia scoffed and walked to the trunk to get her stuff.


Back at the house were Fabian, Mara, Alfie, Willow, Joy, Jerome, and KT all sitting in the family room talking about their summers and how they had missed each other.

After high school graduation, Fabian went to Egypt with his uncle for the summer, and when he got back a month later, him and Mara went to Germany for a few weeks. They had been dating for a little over a year now, but secretly Fabian still wasn't over Nina.

Jerome and Joy, on the other hand, spent most of their time together and went on many dates in the city of Liverpool.

Alfie worked for the local buffet in town and ate all the food he wanted, I'm sure of.

Willow spent most of her time volunteering at the animal shelter as well the nursing home when she wasn't with Alfie. KT was in America with Eddie, until he moved to England during the summer. She worked for her Aunt's photo shoot in New York, and even ran into Amber one time while taking pictures of different models wearing "Millington clothing line".

"So Eddie moved to England?" Alfie asked KT, referring to the latest conversation.

"Yep! Mainly to be with Patricia."  She answered.

"Wow!!" Alfie said.

"Well how is the knew couple?" Joy giggled. "Heard you went to Germany." She said to Fabian and Maria.

"Yes we did. It's was very fascinating-" Mara said.

"-Yeah the people there were quite nice, but different and the food was great! But the best part was being with the most beautiful girl there." Fabian blushed and put his arm around Mara's shoulder. Everyone "Awed".

"And what about Jeroy?" Mara teased, distracting the fact that her face is red from what Fabian said.

"We're great! We've actually moved in together, but we got rid of our apartment because of collage." Said Joy.

Just then they heard a door opened and awaited to see who is would be...

"I bet that's Trixie and Eddie." Willow announced, but it wasn't. In fact it was someone any of them would of never though they'd see again...

"AMBER?!?!" Alfie, Fabian, and Joy all said at the same time.

"Hey guys!" She squealed.

Alfie quickly took his arm around Willow away as everyone gave Amber hugs of death.

"Amber! What are you doing here?" KT asked excited to see her.

"Yeah what about fashion school?" Mara asked.

"Well I graduated, started my own clothing line, but I wanted to come back because Sweetie invited me and why not?" She squealed. She looked over at Alfie who was the last to hug her and when he did she wouldn't let go. It's like he had to force her to.  "I missed you." She whispered.

"I missed you too." He stepped back.

"Honey I'm home!" They heard someone say in the hall.

"Really Eddie?" Patricia barked.

Everyone came out to give them hugs as well and talked about their summers and just how life had been for them. But soon they separated ways and went to their rooms to unpack like Trudy said, while she made dinner. 

The new caretaker was quite strange. His name was James Fremont. He actually graduated from Amun Boarding School and lived in a Anubis house years ago, but what made him so strange is he wasn't strict on the teens. Yes, they are now 19 to 20 years old, and don't need to be yelled at, but you never know with this bunch. Everything from Victor's old office was gone, except the furniture. James was a tall slim man with black/gray hair and green eyes. His voice was kinda rusty when he spoke, which wasn't much. He was always out of the house or in his office. No one really knew him only that he was nice. Some of the kids even missed Victor, but they knew he was long gone.

To be continued...

Hey lovelies!! I'm back!! For now at least...I'm so sorry I've been inactive for over a month. I've had so many things going on with drama to school work:'( but the good news is I'm back! I will probably not be able to update for a while but I was in the mood to do so tonight and I wasn't as busy.

If you are knew to my account, Hi I'm Kaci👋!!:D and if you haven't checked out any of my books feel free to do so! NONE of them are related to this one so your good in that area and...well...
I hope you all enjoy. I will see you in the next chapter guys, but as I always say,

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