Personal for NiallHemmo

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Personal for NiallHemmo

"So welcome back to the Late Late show I'm James Corden and I am now joined with the gorgeous looking lads you may know as one direction!" James Corden announced to the live studio audience and the 5 cameras facing him as they made their way down the stairs in the audience

You and Lou watched from the side of the stage as you normally would during interviews, you had never been with them to an interview with James Corden before but from what Harry had told you there was nothing to worry about, as you and Harry had only recently made your relationship public you always got nervous as to what the interviewers were going to ask about.

"Harry, Liam, Niall and Louis welcome to the show" James sat down in his chair, situated next to the sofa the boys were on

"It's lovely having you here as always and as it is coming up to Christmas I feel that you havent really dressed for the occasion so I have alittle christmas present for you" he looked behind him to 2 members of crew walking towards him with 4 gift boxes

"Um theres Harry and er Liams" he handed the presents out "and there you go Niall and Louis there's yours" he passed the presents along

"So do we open them now?" Harry questioned

"Yes please do" James gestured for them to open their presents and watched patiently as they slowly ripped into them

"Well God almighty Christmas is going to be over if you don't hurry up" he groaned in frustration

"What is this" Liam laughed as he held his christmas jumer he had recieed in front of his chest

"Atleast yours is better than mine!" Harry held his up, a christmas tree with flashing lights plastered on the front of a yellow

"Oh he is not going to wear that" Lou nudged you and laughed

"Never in a million years" you both chuckled as Louis and Niall pulled their jumpers out from the paper

"Why is mine the worst?!" Harry exclaimed as he looked along the line of jumpers they had all held up

"Excuse me Harold I put a lot of thought into your jumper so please be grateful" James Corden acted offended causing the audience to roar with laughter

"Do we put them on then or?" Louis questioned

"Well yes" James replied, they all slipped the jumpers over their heads and looked along at each other and laughed

"I cant believe he's actually wearing it" you whispered to Lou, trying to conceal your laughter

"Only because he knows if he doesn't he is going to get some huge ass lecture from Management later" Lou replied causing you to burst out into laughter

"Is that your Mrs?" you quiclky focused your attention on James who was now looking towards you and Lou, among the rest of the studio audience and of course the 4 boys

"Is indeed mate" Harry smiles, dimples becoming prominent

"Oh look at my little boy all loved up!" James leant over to Harry and ruffled his hair

"Can't deny it" he shrugged his shoulders causing the studio to chorus in 'aw's'

"Look at his little face" Liam grabbed Harrys face and shook it

"Alright calm down" Harry shook his head and laughed "anyway moving on" he tried to change subject


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