How He Calms You Down

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You and Harry had just found out that you were pregnant and it hadn't really settled in your mind yet. You walked hand in hand back to the car, both not saying a word. Harry had been smiling non-stop since the doctor had told you, but you weren't really sure how you felt. You were happy, but there was a part of you that was terrified. You and Harry had only been married a few months. He was driving along the highway when you felt your chest tighten up and your breathing becoming constricted. Harry took noticed the minute your hand flew up to your chest and you began gasping. 

"(Y/N)?!" he asked, pulling over to the far lane and stopping on the side of the road. He unbuckled his seat belt and reached over the console, unbuckling yours as well and pulling you into his lap. 

"Sweetheart, take a deep breath for me okay?" He rubbed small circles on your back as you inhaled deeply, trying to get a steady flow of air in your lungs. Once you manage to calm down a bit, you began to cry. 

"Baby what's wrong?" Harry asked sympathetically. 

"I-I'm scared Harry... We've only been married for a few months! And now we're having a baby?! What if I can't do it?" you rambled. 

"Baby, baby shhh..." He pushed your head into the crook of his neck. 

"I know it's soon, but we can do this. You're not going to be alone in this (Y/N). And besides, we wanted a baby anyways. Right? Yes it's sooner than we expected, but we can do this." His words calmed you down and now you were just sniffling.

 "Thank you Harry. You're right. I love you." 

"I love you too kitten, let's get home shall we?" You nodded and slid back over to your seat as Harry buckled back up again and you began the ride home, him holding your hand all the way.

Harry Styles Imagines and Preferences Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now