Falling In Love

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"We've seen you've associated yourself with a certain lovely lady, Harry. May we have some more details?" James Corden wondered with a smirk on his face, as he leant forward and placed his elbows on his knees. The cue cards held tightly in his hands as the camera focused in on Harry and his blushing cheeks. His hands ran through his hair, pushing it from his burning face.
"Well- Uh.. I don't know what to say" Harry muttered, as he felt a smile cock on his lips. His tongue ran over his lips as he looked to his interlocked hands resting in his lap. "She's just amazing. We've been on a few dates together. Like, the other day we went to the Rolling Stones concert together, and a few weeks back she brought me tickets to see the Packers game... She's been my mate for so long" He grinned, as he felt a hand pat at his shoulder.
Niall laughed softly, and squeezed his shoulder. "Our Harry here is smitten. He's so in love with her. We haven't seen him like this before. He's so weird. But a good weird" Niall laughed, as Liam and Louis teased and laughed along with everyone. "This isn't just a fling. This is turning into a proper relationship" Niall added, as Harry's cheeks tinged pink and his head tilted down to look at his knees.
"Is that so, Harry? Harry Styles is ready to settle down with someone?" James teased, as Harry nodded slowly and looked up. "How have the fans taken to her? I know you said she's been your mate for a long time. Have they warmed up to her?" He wondered, as Harry laughed softly and pinched at his bottom lip with his thumb and forefinger.
"They've loved her ever since she's been on tour with us. She posts photos of him and they love it" Louis laughs, as Harry blushes and covers his face. "They aren't dating, and they love her. But, there's some who are constantly jealous of her and they do send hate to her. She gets so confused with it" Louis smiles as Harry squeezes his knee and leans forward.
"I remember the first time she got hate sent to her. She came to my place, and she just stood on the step and cried. I felt awful. She can't hang out with her best mate because when we do, she gets hate thrown her way" Harry sighs, as Liam sits up. "Sophia and her get it worst. I don't get why. They're both amazing girls and they don't understand why they get hate for being a friend of mine and dating Liam. I mean, she's just my best friend. And if we were to date, I wouldn't want that to get between us" Harry states, as James fell back against the sofa and smiled.
"Is that why you haven't asked her to be your girlfriend yet?"
Harry's eyes caught the camera, and he knew the answer. Of course that was why. He wanted to protect from the cruel social media world. He didn't want the cruel words to crumble you and crush you, because he hated seeing you upset because of something related to him.
He knew you'd be watching. Cuddled into the twin bed of the hotel room the both of you were sharing. All he wanted was to get home. He'd never felt like this about a girl before, and it scared him. But there was no one he'd rather be with, than you. If he was to be scared, he wanted to be scared with you.
• • •
He slid the room card into the slot and listened for the click to tell him he could enter the room. As he shrugged his jacket off, he pushed the door open with his shoulder and stepped into the darkened and quiet room, the soft sounds of your breathing filling the silence. Harry smiled softly as he carefuy closed the door behind him, toeing off his shoes and dropping them by his suitcase. His nimble fingers unbutton his silk shirt and let it fall down his shoulders, before he moved to undo his belt, the clanging noise making him cringe as he turned to your sleeping figure.
You face puckered and scrunched as you rolled over, an arm flopping over your face as you stayed asleep. He let out a breathy laugh as he watched you, his fingers unbuttoning his jeans and pulling them down in a pile at his feet. He heard you yawn when he got himself into bed, the narrow gap between the beds becoming increasingly difficult for him to get through when you were sleeping.
"Mmm... Harry? S'that you?" You wondered, as you peered into the darkness. Your eyes squinted as you saw his silhouette make it's way into the opposite bed to you. "H? S'that you?" You asked, as he squeezed your hand and kissed the back softly.
"It's me, darlin'. S'only me. Go back to sleep" Harry whispered, as you tugged his hand to your face and pressed a soothing kiss to his skin. "Go to sleep, love. I didn't mean to wake you" He whispered, his voice hoarse as he kicked his legs under the duvet and laid down. Your interlocked hands hanging together in the narrow gap.
"M'love you too, Harry. You're so sweet to me" You whispered, and he felt his chest tighten. You loved him. You loved him too. "I watched the interview... I love you. So much. Why didn't you tell me before?" You whispered into the darkness, as you heard him shuffle and look at you. His green eyes sparkling under the moonlight peeking through the curtains.
"Let's talk about that tomorrow, hm? Now come and cuddle with me, love. I love you loads. You know that?" He whispered, as you kicked your duvet from your body, and stood up. You ran a hand through your hair, and grinned to yourself when Harry lifted the corner of the duvet up. "Come here, girlfriend" He whispered, as you shuffled in beside him and wrapped an arm around his torso.
"I love you, (Y/N)..."

Harry Styles Imagines and Preferences Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now