He Leaves In The Middle Of Tour To Comfort You

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Harry hung up the phone with you and promised he would call you as soon as he figured out when he could book the earliest flight back to London. That was the easy part. Now he had to confront the rest of the band. Everyone was already out at the rehearsal space so there was no better time to talk to them. He asked everyone over for a minute and explained the situation. No one really talked. 

"Well, you should go. It's only right. She is your girlfriend and she needs you," Niall spoke up. 

"Niall's right, we can manage things for a little while," Liam said. 

"Are you guys completely positive?"He questioned, still positive on coming to see you whether they said yes or no

 "Mate, we know if it happened to one of us you would support it." Harry was relieved they were all so understanding. He was able to book a flight out in an hour. You woke up to his voice mail on your phone saying he would be flying in tonight and surely enough a few hours later he was walking through your door. You were a mess. Makeup was all over face from crying and you were in no mood to fix yourself up for him. 

"Baby, it's alright. Come here." He took you in his embrace and rubbed the back of your head, soothing you.

 "I just can't believe she's gone," you sobbed.

 "I know, me either. But I'm here for you. I'm not leaving your side." 

Harry Styles Imagines and Preferences Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now