Coldness and Sickness

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You felt cold, yet your bare skin felt like it was covered in a thin layer of sweat and it kept sticking to the duvet. You kicked a leg out from under the covers, pulling your arms out from under the constraints of the thick duvet over both you and Harry. While in the process of adjusting your arms, your elbow accidentally knocked Harry in the jaw, his eyes opening wide at the impact.

"Hey.. What was that for?" He slurred, sleep filling his voice. Being woken up at 3 in the morning was not good for him right now. His deep accent much more prominent than normal. His hair was pillow-messed and he was snuggled nice and deeply under the soft cotton. His toes were sticking out of the end of the duvet, his feet hanging off the end of the bed with his body being a but too tall for the bed. "Why did you bloody elbow me in the face?"

You rolled onto your side, your eyes looking into his. The street lamp coming in through the curtain illuminating his face. His hand was rubbing at his cheek, his eyes squinting softly as he applied pressure to his jaw.

"I'm sorry... I just can't sleep. I went to move my arms out and hit you. I'm sorry.." You sighed, as you rolled back over and propped yourself up on your elbows. Your head rolling back and face turned to the ceiling. "I'm going to toilet.. I'll cool off in there" You stated, as you pushed yourself up from your place in the bed, kicking your legs out the bed, placing your feet on the carpet.

"Are you feeling okay?"

You stood up, looking over at Harry and sending him a warm smile through the darkness. Unsure of whether he could see it. "I'm fine, H. I'm just a bit hot. I may just spend a few minutes under a cold shower.." You wondered, as you walked over to the en-suite bathroom, flicking the light on. The bright light filtering into the bedroom, making Harry cover his eyes. "Just go back to bed, and I'll try not to wake you up when I come out... I'm fine, Harry. Don't worry" You smiled, his head bobbing as he curled himself up on the bed. His eyes closing.

"Wake me up if you feel worse.. I'll get you some medicine and some water if you do feel sick" He whispered, his nose burying into the side of your pillow.

"I will. I'm not sick though. It's just one of these things, alright? I'm fine" You smiled, stepping onto the cool tiles of the bathroom, closing the door behind you, shutting the bathroom light off from the bedroom.

* *

The cool water felt soothing against your warm skin. Your body feeling cleansed and free from any sweat building up. As you turned the faucet off, you could hear the faint sound of Harry snoring in the room next to you, his legs shuffling against the covers making a rustling sound. You reached for your towel, wrapping the warm material around your body, stepping from the enclosed shower space and onto the bathroom mat outside the shower door.

You went to rub down your legs, rubbing another fuzzy towel against your skin, your head spinning as you done so. You groaned under your breath, as you slowly stood back up, your hand gripping at the counter. Fingers curling into the sink. You closed your eyes, leaning over lightly.

You didn't want to be ill. Because being ill meant staying in bed, and vomiting, and sleeping, and being taken care of. And you hated that. Harry would fuss. Proper fuss. And you felt like he went a bit too overboard. If you told him you were ill, he'd take the day off work. And he couldn't afford that right now. It was right before the tour, and he needed to attend the rehearsals.

You heard him cough lightly, hearing his body move amongst the covers as he tried to comfier. You didn't want to wake him. He needed his sleep. He was exhausted or rehearsing, and you felt terrible keeping him up when all he wanted was sleep.

* *

By the time morning came, Harry panicked. Where were you? Had you gone somewhere, without leaving a note? Had you left him? Did you go and see someone out in London? He never woke up with you not beside him. You were usually snuggled into his side, your hands gripping the t-shirt on his chest, holding him tightly. As if he was going to disappear.

Harry Styles Imagines and Preferences Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now